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ISVG 10 - MSSQL HR Feed - JDBC adapter error

  • 1.  ISVG 10 - MSSQL HR Feed - JDBC adapter error

    Posted Thu May 06, 2021 08:53 AM
    Hi all,

    i need a help. Im trying to configure HR Identity feed for ISVG 10 from MS SQL server (ver. 11). Im using native JDBC adapter with mssql driver for java8. Problem is when I want to check Reconciliation query ISVG every time return this error message (no metter if resource is online and accessable):

    [5/6/21 9:26:29:481 CEST] 00000380 SystemOut O #### ----> Method Name: checkQuery(DriverBean driverbean, String string, String string )
    [5/6/21 9:26:29:481 CEST] 00000380 SystemOut O Error JdbcUtil: The cursor type/concurrency combination is not supported.
    [5/6/21 9:26:29:481 CEST] 00000380 SystemOut O Error JdbcUtil: The cursor type/concurrency combination is not supported.
    I cant configure no mapping rules because of internal system error (i guess it depend on the previous JdbcUtill Error).

    Connector configuration here:

    thank you for all your suggestions

    Jakub Nejdl

  • 2.  RE: ISVG 10 - MSSQL HR Feed - JDBC adapter error

    Posted Fri May 07, 2021 02:14 AM

    I think the trouble may cause by reconciliationQuery parameter, 

    check the column schema definition of your table or view.

    Andy Wu

  • 3.  RE: ISVG 10 - MSSQL HR Feed - JDBC adapter error

    Posted Mon May 10, 2021 05:50 PM
    Edited by GURER ONDER Mon May 10, 2021 05:51 PM
    Hi Jakub,

    I reproduced the scenario on my environment MS SQL Server Version 12, mssql-jdbc-8.2.0.jre8.jar. Tried many combinations with schema but couldn't resolve the error. 
    I think a bugfix is needed, because I cannot change the cursor parameters on IGI.


  • 4.  RE: ISVG 10 - MSSQL HR Feed - JDBC adapter error

    Posted Mon May 10, 2021 08:34 PM
    Hi Gurer,
        You are right. Same error message in my lab for SQL server, but my other connector for MariaDB is working correctly no any issue.
    The JDBC createStatement or prepareStatement use TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and concurrency level of CONCUR_READ_ONLY as default type,
    and these should be support for SQL server. Maybe IGI use different cursor type.


    Andy Wu

  • 5.  RE: ISVG 10 - MSSQL HR Feed - JDBC adapter error

    Posted Mon May 10, 2021 08:51 PM
    Hi All,
        Try to use different jdbc driver jTDS( and this is work for me, but this should be temporary solution not for production.
    and the following is my configuration:

    Andy Wu

  • 6.  RE: ISVG 10 - MSSQL HR Feed - JDBC adapter error

    Posted Tue May 11, 2021 02:24 AM

    Hi Gurer,


    Thanks for reply. I am Jakub's colleague and this problem concerns our customer. Should the customer create a PMR (or Case or whatever name it is now��) to speed up the process?





  • 7.  RE: ISVG 10 - MSSQL HR Feed - JDBC adapter error

    Posted Tue May 11, 2021 06:40 AM
    Hi Pavel,

    On my environment I also got the same error with you. As Andy did, I tried open source jtds driver and it works fine. In my opinion, customer should create a Case but according to my experience it'll take some time to solve the issue and publish it. HR feed is the starting point of the integrations and waiting for a fix is not a good option. So I think you should use jtds driver until a bugfix is published. In the past we used jtds drivers with other vendor IDM products on the production environments also, and had no issue.

    Steps for jtds driver:
    1. Download the driver .zip from I used 1.3.1 on my env.
    2. Open the .zip file and extract jtds-1.3.1.jar and upload it to VA -> Custom File Management -> directories ->lib
    3. Restart the appliance.
    4. Use the connection parameters as below example
        jdbcUrl : jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://YOUR_IP:PORT/DATABASENAME
        jdbcDriverClassName: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver

    Hope it helps.


  • 8.  RE: ISVG 10 - MSSQL HR Feed - JDBC adapter error

    Posted Tue May 11, 2021 07:35 AM

    Hello Gurer,


    You are perfectly right, time is an issue�� We will use your workaround (we are still on the test environment so not a big deal using a different library) and when the fix is ready, we will use it instead.


    Again, thanks for your great help!



    Pavel Koza


  • 9.  RE: ISVG 10 - MSSQL HR Feed - JDBC adapter error

    Posted 23 days ago

    Hi Gurer, how are you?

    When I try to upload jtds-1.3.1.jar file to VA -> Custom File Management -> directories ->lib it fail with "System error" message...

    I was trying to find the logs file to analyze the problem but i countn't obtain more info. Can you help me please?

    I am using ISVG



    Felipe Ortiz

  • 10.  RE: ISVG 10 - MSSQL HR Feed - JDBC adapter error

    Posted Tue May 11, 2021 06:10 AM

    Hi Andy,

    I totally agree. And there is no place to change the cursor type, so I think a code update from the IBM side must be done to work with official SQL Server driver.

    With Oracle connector I have no issue also, it works fine.


  • 11.  RE: ISVG 10 - MSSQL HR Feed - JDBC adapter error

    Posted Tue May 11, 2021 06:12 AM
    Hi Andy,

    As you did I tried jtds driver also and it works fine.


  • 12.  RE: ISVG 10 - MSSQL HR Feed - JDBC adapter error

    Posted Wed February 07, 2024 10:13 AM


    I had the same issue on IBM SVG 10.0.2 and also for me works fine this workaround.



    Francesco Schettino