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ISVA Appliance 10.0.4 - How to configure AAC for a Webseal junction and configure MFA

  • 1.  ISVA Appliance 10.0.4 - How to configure AAC for a Webseal junction and configure MFA

    Posted 24 days ago

    Hi All,

    I am exploring AAC with version ISVA 10.0.4 (Appliance)
    The simple use case I wanted to try the protect the Web application by using email otp once the user is authenticated with username and password.

    My application is basically a HCL portal application . Once the user logins he submits the username and password and it gets POSTed to the /pkmslogin form .At this step I have to configure a MFA using Email OTP mechanism . 

    Is there any POC that can be showcased to the customer in a shorter time frame ? Any help would be appreciated .

    Gomathy Sethusankar