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Characters are not being encoded in SAML assertion

  • 1.  Characters are not being encoded in SAML assertion

    Posted Thu February 29, 2024 03:16 AM


    Nordic characters, e.g. "åäö", are not being encoded correctly from ISVA IDP.
    They appear as the following in the SAML response:

    This makes the federation break from the SP side (which is also running ISVA).

    I've had a ticket open with IBM for 3 months now and they haven't been able to pinpoint where the issue even is.

    Any ideas?

    IDP is running 10.0.4

    Jonatan Wålegård

  • 2.  RE: Characters are not being encoded in SAML assertion

    Posted Fri March 01, 2024 01:54 AM

    Try setting the LANG=C env var for the AAC runtime

    Shane Weeden

  • 3.  RE: Characters are not being encoded in SAML assertion

    Posted Fri March 01, 2024 07:26 AM

    @Shane Weeden Thanks for the tip. Where do I actually set that variable? 

    Jonatan Wålegård

  • 4.  RE: Characters are not being encoded in SAML assertion

    Posted Fri March 01, 2024 07:36 AM

    Containers or appliance? In containers it's dependent on your container runtime, such as in the kubernetes deployment yaml. In appliance it should already be set but I don't recall whether that's really true for 10.0.4 or not since that's fairly old now. I would suggest you add trace to dump all environment variables in your SAML mapping rule first to see what is actually set. 

    Shane Weeden

  • 5.  RE: Characters are not being encoded in SAML assertion

    Posted Fri March 01, 2024 07:43 AM
    Edited by Shane Weeden Fri March 01, 2024 07:43 AM

    Actually LANG=C may not be the best choice - I checked and one of my runtime containers in a demo env where I was testing a similar (not identical) issue was remediated by this YAML entry for the container deployment:


    - name: LANG

    value: "en_US.utf8"

    In a mapping rule, try something like (I haven't tested this, it's late, working from top of my head...):


    At least try to get some visibility into what the current LANG setting is, and whether or not that is a factor.

    Shane Weeden

  • 6.  RE: Characters are not being encoded in SAML assertion

    Posted Fri March 01, 2024 07:54 AM

    It worked.

    The variable is set to:

    Is this causing the issue?

    Jonatan Wålegård

  • 7.  RE: Characters are not being encoded in SAML assertion

    Posted Fri March 01, 2024 08:16 AM

    Unlikely. Because in my case I had to set that value on a container deployment to FIX my issue with incorrect UTF8 character encoding. 

    Shane Weeden

  • 8.  RE: Characters are not being encoded in SAML assertion

    Posted Fri March 01, 2024 08:35 AM

    I'm a little bit confused at the moment, because:

    SAML Addon in Chrome shows:
    <saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">Wålegård</saml:AttributeValue>

    Trace from ISVA SP shows (fetching the actual attribute from the STSUU):
    traceString ENTRY surname is what from preldap: Wålegård

    But when I take the very same SAML response and decode it at, I get:

    <saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">Wålegård</saml:AttributeValue>

    Jonatan Wålegård

  • 9.  RE: Characters are not being encoded in SAML assertion

    Posted Wed May 22, 2024 02:22 AM

    Hi Jonatan, Shane and more.

    Did you reach a conclusion?

    I have problems with Danish national characters in the certificate subject:

    In an Idp we use a personal certificate where the subject contains a Danish national character. "æ".

    It displays fine in certificate viewer i.e. and "Crypto Shell Extention" in Windows.

    According to certutil it it UTF8 encoded

    $ certutil -asn atp_kup_idp_test.cer

    0000: 30 82 03 8f                               ; SEQUENCE (38f Bytes)

    0004:    30 82 02 77                            ; SEQUENCE (277 Bytes)

    0008:    |  02 04                               ; INTEGER (4 Bytes)

    000a:    |  |  56 67 e2 0f

    000e:    |  30 0d                               ; SEQUENCE (d Bytes)

    0010:    |  |  06 09                            ; OBJECT_ID (9 Bytes)

    0012:    |  |  |  2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01  05

             |  |  |     ; 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5 sha1RSA

    001b:    |  |  05 00                            ; NULL (0 Bytes)

    001d:    |  30 81 8b                            ; SEQUENCE (8b Bytes)

    0020:    |  |  31 0b                            ; SET (b Bytes)

    0022:    |  |  |  30 09                         ; SEQUENCE (9 Bytes)

    0024:    |  |  |     06 03                      ; OBJECT_ID (3 Bytes)

    0026:    |  |  |     |  55 04 06

             |  |  |     |     ; Land/omr▒de (C)

    0029:    |  |  |     13 02                      ; PRINTABLE_STRING (2 Bytes)

    002b:    |  |  |        44 4b                                             ; DK

             |  |  |           ; "DK"

    002d:    |  |  31 39                            ; SET (39 Bytes)

    002f:    |  |  |  30 37                         ; SEQUENCE (37 Bytes)

    0031:    |  |  |     06 03                      ; OBJECT_ID (3 Bytes)

    0033:    |  |  |     |  55 04 0a

             |  |  |     |     ; Organisation (O)

    0036:    |  |  |     0c 30                      ; UTF8_STRING (30 Bytes)

    0038:    |  |  |        41 72 62 65 6a 64 73 6d  61 72 6b 65 64 65 74 73  ; Arbejdsmarkedets

    0048:    |  |  |        20 54 69 6c 6c c3 a6 67  73 70 65 6e 73 69 6f 6e  ;  Till..gspension

    0058:    |  |  |        20 2f 2f 20 43 56 52 3a  34 33 34 30 35 38 31 30  ;  // CVR:43405810

             |  |  |           ; "Arbejdsmarkedets Till▒gspension // CVR:43405810"

    0068:    |  |  31 41                            ; SET (41 Bytes)

    006a:    |  |     30 3f                         ; SEQUENCE (3f Bytes)

    006c:    |  |        06 03                      ; OBJECT_ID (3 Bytes)

    006e:    |  |        |  55 04 03

             |  |        |     ; Almindeligt navn (CN)

    0071:    |  |        0c 38                      ; UTF8_STRING (38 Bytes)

    0073:    |  |           41 72 62 65 6a 64 73 6d  61 72 6b 65 64 65 74 73  ; Arbejdsmarkedets

    0083:    |  |           20 54 69 6c 6c c3 a6 67  73 70 65 6e 73 69 6f 6e  ;  Till..gspension

    0093:    |  |           20 2d 20 41 54 50 20 4b  55 50 20 49 64 50 20 54  ;  - ATP KUP IdP T

    00a3:    |  |           65 73 74 2f 50 69 6c 6f                           ; est/Pilo

             |  |              ; "Arbejdsmarkedets Till▒gspension - ATP KUP IdP Test/Pilo"

    But in a SamlResponse from the IdP it is converted to "æ", not nice. Is there any way to solve this?

    BR, Carsten

    Carsten Jensen

  • 10.  RE: Characters are not being encoded in SAML assertion

    Posted Wed May 22, 2024 08:30 AM

    Did you verify the setting of your LANG environment variable (in a mapping rule for example)? That has almost always been the answer in the past.

    Shane Weeden

  • 11.  RE: Characters are not being encoded in SAML assertion

    Posted Thu May 23, 2024 12:58 AM

    Hi Shane

    Thank you for your reply.

    The LANG environment variable, it's the same value as Jonatan's, LANG=en_US.utf8

    I'm not sure if Jonatan reached any conclusion?

    BR Carsten

    Carsten Jensen

  • 12.  RE: Characters are not being encoded in SAML assertion

    Posted Tue May 28, 2024 05:30 AM

    Hi Shane and Jonatan

    Jonatan, did you succeed in getting the proper utf-8 encoded saml response?

    You mentioned a ticket. Still no response? Maybe Shane could review this?

    (in my case, the PingIdentity SAML decoder still shows "the ugly" format for the certificate subject - and also in the saml:Attribute Name="Fullname" which (the users name) i changed to contain a danish "æ")

    Shane, You wrote "Unlikely. Because in my case I had to set that value on a container deployment to FIX my issue with incorrect UTF8 character encoding. "

    So the LANG=en_US.utf8 have no effect in Jonatan's and my issue.

    Regards Carsten

    Carsten Jensen