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Bulk task closure of particular case in cp4s using script

  • 1.  Bulk task closure of particular case in cp4s using script

    Posted Wed October 16, 2024 07:31 AM

    Hi All,

    I am trying to do bulk closure of all open incident from respective cases in one click using automation.

    Approach: I am query to rest api to get all open task of case id:123  once we have that using anothe task rest api i am trying to close task in bulk but i am getting error

    Rest API: /orgs/{org_id}/tasks

    list_of_id is list of open task ids.

    data={'id':list_of_id, 'status':'C'}


    "{"success":false,"title":null,"message":"Unable to process the supplied JSON. The invalid path is /. The error occurred at line #1 and column #1.","hints":[],"error_code":"generic"}"

    Can anyone help me how to achieve that. or any one knows how we can create for loop in cp4s playbook & send taskid one by one to function "close task". please help & suggest

    Kavita K