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How to deal with password expiry in aac authentication mechanism

  • 1.  How to deal with password expiry in aac authentication mechanism

    Posted Thu April 02, 2020 07:10 AM

    I am building a custum authentication mechanism, where the enduser gets mapped to an alias.
    I've followed some articles and came up with the code below, which works fine.

    Now I don't know how to proceed with password expiry.
    How to detect the password is expired.
    How to follow up on expiry, presenting a password change page.

    Any help much appreciated!

    This is my code so far.


    function trace(msg) {
    IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("IdpMap " + msg);


    var IDP_LDAP_ATTR = "businessCategory";
    var REQUIRED_LDAP_SUFFIX = "c=nl";

    var prps = new java.util.Properties();

    var username = context.get(Scope.REQUEST, "urn:ibm:security:asf:request:parameter", "username");
    var password = context.get(Scope.REQUEST, "urn:ibm:security:asf:request:parameter", "password");

    if(username == null || password == null) {
    //This is likely the first time through
    //Display the default template page here -
    //to challenge for the username and password
    } else {
    //Second time around, or parameters provided directly.
    var hlpr = new UserLookupHelper();
    // Init with our ISAM RTE username/password config
    hlpr.init(false, prps);

    // Default Error message to display on failure
    var errorString = "Username or Password not correct.";
    //False unless told otherwise

    // First, try and get the user
    // If the entry provided was the username, we can use that.
    var user = hlpr.getUser(username);

    if(user != null) {
    //Found a user - try and authenticate
    var authn = user.authenticate(password);
    if(authn) {
    //Authentication has succeeded
    trace("Authentication has succeeded " + username);
    // New Error message to display on failure
    errorString = "Not possible to authenticate.";
    //Try searching the alias account
    var searched =,username,2);
    if(searched.length == 1) {
    //Just one result
    trace("Found user " + searched[0] + " from idp " + username + ".");
    if (searched[0].toLowerCase().endsWith(REQUIRED_LDAP_SUFFIX)) {
    user = hlpr.getUserByNativeId(searched[0]);
    trace("ISAM user " + user.getId() + ".");
    //Mark this mechanism as having completed.
    //Set the username attribute in the response token.
    //Add anything else you want to the cred here.
    context.set(Scope.SESSION, "urn:ibm:security:asf:response:token:attributes", "itfim_override_targeturl_attr", "/mobile-demo/diag/");
    context.set(Scope.SESSION, "urn:ibm:security:asf:response:token:attributes", "username", user.getId());
    } else {
    //Mark this mechanism unsuccessful.
    //The user found has the wrong ldap suffix
    trace("User " + searched[0] + " has the wrong ldap suffix");
    macros.put("@ERROR_MESSAGE@", errorString);
    } else {
    // Either do some magic, or just return a fail response.
    if (searched.length > 1) {
    // It would seem that the username attribute isn't unique
    trace("Username attribute not unique in ldap.");
    } else {
    // It would seem that the username attribute isn't found
    trace("Username attribute not found in ldap.");
    macros.put("@ERROR_MESSAGE@", errorString);
    } else {
    //Authentication has failed
    trace("Authentication has failed " + username);
    //Mark this mechanism unsuccessful.
    //This will return the configured default template.
    macros.put("@ERROR_MESSAGE@", errorString);
    } else {
    trace("Username not found " + username);
    //No user found by either means - throw generic error
    macros.put("@ERROR_MESSAGE@", errorString);

    Paul van den Brink

  • 2.  RE: How to deal with password expiry in aac authentication mechanism

    Posted Tue November 10, 2020 07:39 AM
    Hi Paul,

    I'm facing the same issue. 

    what was the workaround?

    Thanks in advance.
