IBM Verify

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  • 1.  Where are the Certificates being used?

    Posted Wed May 05, 2021 01:00 PM
    Is there any simple way to determine where a specific Certificate in any of ISVA SSL Stores are being used?
    Can I search by Certificate Label where it is used?
    If a certificate is expired and I want to replace it by a new one, I need to make the apply the changes wherever they are defined!

    Joao Goncalves
    Pyxis, Lda.

  • 2.  RE: Where are the Certificates being used?

    Posted Wed May 05, 2021 02:16 PM
    Hi Joao,

    I'm not aware of any way to determine where a certificate is being used across all parts of Verify Access.

    In general an individual certificate/private key is being used for only one purpose so it's probably more a case of giving it a label that helps you know where it was used when you come back in 6 months.

    Of course, if all your configuration was done using devOps of some kind (Ansible etc.) then it would be easy to grep this source to determine where a given certificate/key was being used.


    Jon Harry
    Consulting IT Security Specialist

  • 3.  RE: Where are the Certificates being used?

    Posted Wed May 05, 2021 02:24 PM
    This is not on any of those cases. A different partner configured ISVA, and i have no clue where it is being used!
    So, I will have to search for all possible places, so it can be changed! It would be a nice feature to have. Where Used!

    Joao Goncalves
    Pyxis, Lda.