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  • 1.  Deletion of the playbook entry whose status is Error in "Playbook progress" screen

    Posted Fri August 13, 2021 03:11 AM
    Hello, community members.
    I have a question about the deletion of the existing playbook entry in playbook progress screen.

    In "Playbook progress" screen of an incident on SOAR 41.2, the playbook marked with Error seemed to be unable to remove from the list.
    So incident screen always stays the Error once error was recorded . If possible, I would like to clear the error from incident screen. Is there any way to do?
    I would like to delete the playbook entry  whose status is Error and do another trials.

    Yohji Amano

  • 2.  RE: Deletion of the playbook entry whose status is Error in "Playbook progress" screen

    Posted Wed August 18, 2021 08:55 AM
    This isn't possible at the moment. This is a good idea that we can look into.

    Ben Lurie

  • 3.  RE: Deletion of the playbook entry whose status is Error in "Playbook progress" screen

    Posted Wed August 18, 2021 12:28 PM
    Ben, thank you for the reply. Hope some considerations will be made on this.

    Yohji Amano