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Or is it? While I usually write about the capabilities that we have in business automation, many of our customers are interested to know about our architecture and how we leverage the different cloud native technologies and approaches. So i n the "42" series, I collaborate with the IBM...
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Last January I wrote a State of the API Economy 2019 blog. Going into this year it was not my intention to write another, but there were a few new observations that extended last year’s content that I wanted to share. So, let’s take a look at what is going on as we enter 2020… [caption id=...
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IBM API Connect is an end-to-end API management solution that allows users to create, secure, manage, socialize, monetize, analyze, test, and monitor APIs. It provides a powerful set of capabilities from turning backend RESTFUL or SOAP services into managed services. This is done by publishing...
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Last month my colleagues Kim Clark and Krithika Prakash wrote two great blogs on positioning and integrating API Management and Istio (see links below). They both touched on the business value aspects, but I wanted to provide more focus on the business side of this technology relationship. ...
API management shares much at a high level with the newer concept of a service mesh. How are they different from one another? What are each of their use cases, and how might they work in combination? Why the comparison? In recent years, as microservices architecture has started to mature, we...
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Overview In this post, we will explore a basic workflow of analytics. This will serve as a high-level overview, through each application of API Connect's Analytics page. First, we will create a saved search. Next, we will create a visualization based on that search. Finally, we will create...
In a recent post on integration architecture Alan Glickenhouse touched on the question of when and where API management should be used in relation to microservice architecture. This post looks at that question at the next level of depth, exploring the positioning of API management to both...
My father always said, “use the right tool for the job”. Good advice which when not followed delivers poor results. But, sometimes it is not quite clear what the right tool to use is. Once we get passed the confusion between APIs, Services, and Microservices, a good question is – what are...
Two extremely hot IT topics right now are APIs and Microservices. Unfortunately, too many people think this is one topic – i.e. they are the same thing. This is not correct. There are several misconceptions about APIs and Microservices, and throwing in Services (from Service Oriented...
DataPower Gateway v7.7 delivers hybrid multi-cloud support for API Connect Enterprises and start-up alike are looking towards the cloud as the future of their IT strategy. Most will run workloads on public, dedicated, and private clouds, spanning datacenters and GEOS, and many will be...