Cognos Analytics

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New Base Samples for Cognos Analytics 12.0.0

By Samples Team posted Wed June 07, 2023 09:03 AM


Cognos Analytics 12.0.0 contains the following new and updated Base Samples:


    Added AU_Daily_Sales.xlsx: This sample data contains information about daily automobile sales and the weather at the time of the initial sales visit for a fictional automobile group. Business insights resulting from information about the weather conditions at the time of sale can be explored.

    Team content > Samples > By industry > Automotive > Data > Source files

    Deleted Boston 311 analysis (data module)

    Team content > Samples > By feature > Relative dates > Data > Boston 311 requests

    Deleted Boston_311_requests.xlsx

    Team content > Samples > By feature > Relative dates > Data > Source files > Boston_311_requests.xlsx

    Deleted Boston 311 calls (data module)

    Team content > Samples > By feature > Core > Data > Boston 311 calls

    Deleted Boston_311_calls.xlsx

    Team content > Samples > By feature > Core > Data > Source files > Boston_311_calls.xlsx

    Deleted Weather analytics (data module)

    Team content > Samples > By feature > Core > Data > Weather analytics

    Deleted Weather_analytics.xlsx

    Team content > Samples > By feature > Core > Data > Source files > Weather_analytics.xlsx


    Modified Weather analytics:  This sample dashboard has been modified to use a different data source (Auto group data module) and some of the visualizations have changed as a result. An About tab has been added that describes the weather data and provides links to more information about how to build this dashboard.

    Team content > Samples > By feature > Core > Dashboards > Weather analytics

    Added Relative dates on a dashboard: This sample demonstrates relative dates in the context of a dashboard. You will see examples of how to use YTD and MTD measures in summaries, tables, maps, and visualizations. The underlying Gregorian Calendar also supports the global parameters named _as_of_date and Time Perspective.

    Team content > Samples > By feature > Relative dates > Relative dates on a dashboard

    Deleted Boston 311 dashboard

    Team content > Samples > By feature > Relative dates > Boston 311 dashboard


    Added Relative dates on a report: This sample demonstrates relative dates in the context of a report. You will see examples of how to use YTD and MTD measures in summaries, lists, maps, and visualizations. The underlying Gregorian Calendar also supports the global parameters named _as_of_date and Time Perspective.

    Team content > Samples > By feature > Relative dates > Relative dates on a report

    Deleted Boston 311 report

    Team content > Samples > By feature > Relative dates > Boston 311 report


    Deleted Animated path scene transition

    Team content > Samples > By feature > Core > Stories > Animated path scene transition

    Custom Controls

    For the 12.0.0, we removed all the old JavaScript samples that used .js files placed on the Cognos server and replaced them with newer versions that use uploaded Extensions to supply the JavaScript files instead. This is our new Best Practice.

    Modified Team content > Samples > By feature > Custom controls

    Deleted Team content > Samples > By feature > Custom controls > Extensions

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    Types of Samples:
    Base Samples | Extended Samples | JavaScript | Themes and Extensions | Audit Reporting | OLAP | Package Based Drill-Through | Legacy | 10.2.2 Cognos Mashup Services (CMS) | Notebooks

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