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Extended Samples for Cognos Analytics

By Samples Team posted Mon November 26, 2018 07:58 AM


Note: Samples are functional examples. Many are code samples with narrow requirements and a specific use case, providing you with a baseline. They do not include every possible feature/interactivity or environment/configuration. You can use these samples as-is (supported by IBM), or you can modify/extend these samples to suit your business needs (not supported). IBM will provide support if these assets do not work as described for the product version(s) identified. However, we are unable to provide custom support for you such as adding features or troubleshooting environmental issues. These will be logged in our system as future Feature requests.

The Extended Samples demonstrate how to use IBM Cognos Analytics with a database (Framework Manager package). They require the use of a database and database connections to host the sample Great Outdoors Company (GO) data. Consequently, they must be installed and configured.

The Extended Samples for Cognos Analytics 11.1.0 and below are installed via the installation program.

Starting with Cognos Analytics 11.1.1, you can directly download all of the required files from this Blog post:

Download.pngDownload:  (for IBM Cognos Analytics 11.1.5 and above)  (for IBM Cognos Analytics 11.1.1 - 11.1.4)

  1. Download the file above that is applicable to your Cognos environment.
  2. Unzip the downloaded file.
  3. Find the deployment file in the content folder named You will need it in a future step.
  4. Follow these installation instructions.

After you install the Extended Samples, you will see two new folders under Team Content > Samples:

  • Models
  • Reports

The Models folder contains 4 sample packages for relational (query) and dimensional (analysis) data. The Reports folder contains sample active reports, drill-through reports, and standard reports that are built from the 4 packages.

Related posts:

Types of Samples:
Base Samples | Extended Samples | JavaScript | Themes and Extensions | Audit Reporting | OLAP | Package Based Drill-Through | Legacy | 10.2.2 Cognos Mashup Services (CMS) | Notebooks

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