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Audit Reporting Samples for Cognos Analytics

By Samples Team posted Thu September 06, 2018 08:44 AM


Note: Samples are functional examples. Many are code samples with narrow requirements and a specific use case, providing you with a baseline. They do not include every possible feature/interactivity or environment/configuration. You can use these samples as-is (supported by IBM), or you can modify/extend these samples to suit your business needs (not supported). IBM will provide support if these assets do not work as described for the product version(s) identified. However, we are unable to provide custom support for you such as adding features or troubleshooting environmental issues. These will be logged in our system as future Feature requests.

You use the sample audit reports to view the information in a logging database about user and report activity. You may find this useful for such things as:

  • Capacity planning
  • Licensing conformance
  • Performance monitoring
  • Identifying unused content

The audit samples are now part of the IBM Cognos Analytics Server installation. A separate installation is not required. After you install the CA Server, you can find the samples here: CA_install_location/samples/Audit_samples/. These samples are only supported with DB2, Oracle, and SQL Server databases.

Here are the instructions for configuring Audit Reporting.

11.0.10 Update

We have added one new sample audit report in 11.0.10: Deleted user account report

This sample audit report lists user accounts that have been deleted during a specified time period. It provides information about the deleted user ID, the time deleted, the account type, and the status of the request.

11.0.9 Update
Audit data about Dashboards and Stories is now available. The Audit FM model has been modified to extract dashboard/story and package names from the COGIPF_RUNREPORT logging table. Two of the sample audit reports have been modified to include this new data:

  • Execute reports, dashboards and stories by package for past 30 days
  • Execute reports, dashboards and stories by user

11.0.7 Update
We have improved the look and feel, increased the overall usability of the reports, and switched all the reports to Dynamic Query Mode.

Related posts:

Types of Samples:
Base Samples | Extended Samples | JavaScript | Themes and Extensions | Audit Reporting | OLAP | Package Based Drill-Through | Legacy | 10.2.2 Cognos Mashup Services (CMS) | Notebooks

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