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Notebook Samples for Cognos Analytics

By Samples Team posted Mon April 29, 2019 10:35 AM


Note: The Notebook feature is not currently supported on the Cloud environment. The following instructions are only applicable to IBM Cognos Analytics on-premises instances.

There are several samples that demonstrate the IBM Cognos Analytics notebook feature. Follow these steps to install and view the notebook samples: How to install the Notebook samples

The setup instructions and a deployment of sample files are installed (but not configured or imported) with the product during installation. You can find the files here: [Cognos Analytics installation directory]\samples\notebooks\

Once configured, you will find the sample notebooks here: Team Content > Samples > By feature > Notebooks

List of Notebook Samples

 11.1.5   Data quality template: This notebook template can be applied to any dataset. It demonstrates how to read, overview, quality check, and clean data.

 11.1.3   Flexible lightweight ETL:
This sample notebook demonstrates how to conduct lightweight ETL tasks by connecting to an external data asset, performing some cleansing of the data, and writing the data into a Cognos Analytics asset.

 11.1.5   Health insurance coverage analysis: This sample notebook demonstrates how to create and merge geographic data with other data, modify the presentation of the data, and create map and trend line visualizations.

 11.1.5   Health insurance coverage report: This sample report demonstrates how to add notebook widgets to a report. These widgets display fictional health insurance coverage data from a notebook.

 11.1.3   Retailer dashboard: This sample dashboard demonstrates how to add notebook widgets to a dashboard. More information.

 11.1.4   Retailer report: This sample report demonstrates how to add Notebook widgets to a report. More information.

 11.1.5   Schedule data creation: This sample notebook demonstrates how to create patient visits and nurse shifts data at a fictional hospital.

 11.1.5   Telecom data analysis:
This sample notebook demonstrates how to perform customer churn analysis on a sample dataset. Predictive analytics models are used to predict customer churn by evaluating their probability of risk to churn.

 11.1.5   Telecom data visualizations: This sample notebook demonstrates how to explore data and create visualizations in the context of a fictional telecommunications company.

 11.1.3   Time series analysis
: This sample notebook demonstrates how to connect to an external CSV file, display the data, write the data as a Cognos Analytics asset, modify the presentation of the data, and create a visualization.

 11.1.5   Unit infection data creation: This sample notebook demonstrates how to create a dataset and use visualization with a slider to display the rates of infection in a group of fictional hospital units over a given time period.

 11.1.3   Visualization creation: This sample notebook demonstrates how to connect to a local data file and create several visualizations.

Sample Data

 11.1.3   Blood sugar levels: This sample data contains fictitious blood sugar level test scores from an IoT wearable glucose sensor. Source: IBM

 11.1.3   Weather analytics small: This sample data is intended to illustrate weather analytics. Additional weather-related data has been added to the Boston 311 calls data.

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Types of Samples:
Base Samples | Extended Samples | JavaScript | Themes and Extensions | Audit Reporting | OLAP | Package Based Drill-Through | Legacy | 10.2.2 Cognos Mashup Services (CMS) | Notebooks

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