SPSS Statistics

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  • 1.  Result Meaning; Mixed Model Analysis

    Posted 18 days ago

    Hi everyone,

    I would like to understand the meaning of the results from Mixed Model analysis.

    The results from "Estimates of Covariance Parameters" showed a variance of 0 (exactly 0; 0.0E0).

    Does this mean "not significant," or does it indicate something else?

    Thank you,

    Takka Sun

  • 2.  RE: Result Meaning; Mixed Model Analysis

    Posted 17 days ago

    Hi Takka Sun,

    It would probably be better to post the full table, for full context ... but on the face of it you have no variance related to that random element of your model. Any trime that I have seen this it usually meant (for me) that I had a warning or error somewhere else, and that my model was mis-specified in some way. The whole point of estmating the covariances would be to model that, so a zero there is suggesting (to me) something is wrong.

    That would be my take ... based just on what you say above.



    Colm McGuinness