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    RE: AIX

    start the samba services in debugging mode ------------------------------ viplove bohra ------------------------------

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    I have to enable smbv2 on lpar running on AIX 7.1. How can I enable it. [tc3ikw01:root:/home/root] lslpp -l |grep samba pware53-64.samba.rte COMMITTED Samba 3.4.7 (64-bit) [tc3ikw01:root:/home/root] ps -ef |grep mbd root 27066504 ...

  • bip2887e integration server needs to be re-optimized message flow 'messageflowname' has a refernece to an object of type 'comibmgroupcompletenode' that requires the component 'nodes/group'.this component is not available.c-gateway-framework' needs to ...

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