Hello! I am new to research and I want to see if this makes sense. I have a dichotomous dependent variable (i.e., vaccination status) and a categorical independent/predictor variable (vaccine hesitancy). The categories for vaccine hesitancy are yes (i.e., vaccine hesitant) and no (i.e., vaccine hesitant). In completing a automatic recode for my independent variables, they become numeric. From there, is it okay to run a regression? If so, does it matter if I run a linear or logistic regression?
Similarly, I am doing the same thing for multiple predictors/independent variables (i.e., social need; housing, employment, childcare, economic stability, etc.) with vaccination status (dependent/dichotomous). I manipulated the independent variables to denote need (so "yes" for any need endorsed and "no" for lack of need). So, if someone endorses a need for employment then "yes" was recoded to a numeric value, for example. Am I now able to run a linear or logistic regression?
ashley craft