watsonx Assistant

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  • 1.  how to integrate watson assistant with business website.

    Posted Fri June 30, 2023 11:49 AM

    any ideas?

    Thomas Groeneman

  • 2.  RE: how to integrate watson assistant with business website.

    Posted Fri July 14, 2023 12:26 PM

    Yes, I have not only ideas but solutions, how may I assist you? What industry are you in? Victor

    victor martinez

  • 3.  RE: how to integrate watson assistant with business website.

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed July 26, 2023 01:53 PM

    Here's a step-by-step guide on how to integrate Watson Assistant with your business website:


    1. IBM Watson Assistant service instance created in IBM Cloud.
    2. Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to embed the chatbot in your website.

    Step 1: Create a Watson Assistant Chatbot

    1. Sign in to your IBM Cloud account and navigate to the IBM Watson Assistant service.

    2. Create a new Watson Assistant workspace, or use an existing one, to design and train your chatbot with the desired conversational flow, intents, entities, and responses.

    3. Test your chatbot within the Watson Assistant tool to ensure it's working as expected.

    Step 2: Obtain API Key and Assistant ID

    1. From the IBM Watson Assistant dashboard, click on the "Manage" tab.

    2. Click on "API Details" to access your API key.

    3. Note down the Assistant ID of the specific chatbot you want to integrate.

    Step 3: Generate an SDK Script

    1. In the Watson Assistant tool, go to the "Preview" tab.

    2. Click on the "Integration" option.

    3. Select "Web Chat" and customize the chat window settings (if desired).

    4. Click on "Copy" to copy the generated SDK script to your clipboard.

    Step 4: Integrate Watson Assistant with Your Website

    1. Open the HTML file of your website where you want to embed the chatbot.

    2. Paste the SDK script from Step 3 within the HTML file, preferably just before the closing </body> tag.

    <!-- Paste the Watson Assistant SDK script here -->
    1. In the script, replace 'YOUR_ASSISTANT_ID' with the Assistant ID you noted down in Step 2.

    2. Save the changes to your HTML file.

    Step 5: Deploy Your Website

    Upload the updated HTML file to your web server or hosting provider to deploy the website with the embedded Watson Assistant chatbot.

    Step 6: Test the Chatbot

    Visit your website and test the chatbot to ensure it's functioning correctly. Engage with the chatbot by typing queries and observing its responses.

    Step 7: Customize the Chatbot

    If needed, customize the appearance, behavior, and responses of the chatbot to match your website's branding and requirements. You can modify the Watson Assistant workspace to handle various user inputs effectively.

    Youssef Sbai Idrissi
    Software Engineer