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Broken Download Links for CPLEX through IBM Academic Initiative

  • 1.  Broken Download Links for CPLEX through IBM Academic Initiative

    Posted Fri December 01, 2023 09:52 AM

    Hi again Rory,

    I think I found out where it went wrong - at some point, I've installed the program in Python using pip install cplex, which I just realized was for the Community Edition, and I guess that maybe somehow conflicted with the full version installation (?) I uninstalled CPLEX that I installed using pip, deleted all installations of CPLEX on my computer, downloaded M08T2ML again, which now seems to work correctly.

    Thanks for the help :)



    On 2023-11-02 16:46, Rory Keeley via IBM TechXchange Community wrote:

     OBS! Mailen er fra en ekstern afsender. Vær opmærksom på links og vedhæftede filer.     NB! This email is from an external sender. Be aware of links and attachments.
    Hi Laura That part number M08T2ML corresponds to the full version of CPLEX Optimization Studio 22.1.1 on osX.  Can you please check in the IDE...
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    Re: Broken Download Links for CPLEX through IBM Academic Initiative
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    Rory Keeley
    Nov 2, 2023 11:44 AM
    Rory Keeley

    Hi Laura

    That part number M08T2ML corresponds to the full version of CPLEX Optimization Studio 22.1.1 on osX. 

    Can you please check in the IDE under Help > About, do you see 
    Build Id: Community Edition

    If so, there's a mapping problem in the downloads. 
    If you don't see "Build Id: Community Edition", the problem may come from an installation of docplex for Python (installed for example via pip or conda), which would include the community edition version of the engines. 

    If that's the case, you need to update your Python environment to use the engines installed with CPLEX Optimization Studio. 

    If `pip list` or the equivalent conda command shows 'cplex' or 'docplex', remove these. Then run the command to install the Python code from the installed version of CPLEX Optimization Studio: $ python /Applications/CPLEX_Studio2211/python/ install



    Rory Keeley
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