To celebrate the launch of IBM SPSS Statistics 24, I’m excited today to release four new chart templates available for download at the below links. These new templates (referred to in product as Chartlooks) bring modern styling and colors to all charts created with the IBM SPSS Statistics Chart Builder.
The four new ChartLooks entitled "Bright", "Mellow", "Pastels", and "SPSS Classic" include updated colors, improved margins, and horizontal grid lines. What's more, they work with all recent versions of SPSS Statistics from version 13 to the newly released 24.
To use, simply download the
Chartlooks from here, head to the Preferences/Options menu item, and select the Charts tab. Once there, specify one of these new ChartLooks in the Chart Templates section.
Please vote on your favorite and if you have other suggestions for the look of our charts please add a comment below.
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