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  • 1.  Urban Code Deploy - calling a custom application/process from Jenkins

    Posted Mon July 11, 2022 02:10 PM
    I need to create a Jenkins pipeline which can invoke a custom application created in UCDeploy. This application is not a routine deployment operation. I can find abundant examples of Jenkins pipeline code which can upload and deploy artifacts and software. Code like this:

       $class: 'UCDeployPublisher',
       siteName: "${siteName}",
       deploy: [
          $class: 'com.urbancode.jenkins.plugins.ucdeploy.DeployHelper$DeployBlock',
          deployApp: "${app}", ...​

    I have references to a GitHub repo for the Jenkins plugin: . However, I cannot even tell if this is official. It is forked from another repo, has all broken documentation links and does not accept Issues. I guess I could study the source code and try to reverse engineer what I need. Everyone knows that Jenkins is the hardest interface in the world and I have not succeeded in ever understanding the source code of a plugin for it. I think one must first be an expert in Jenkins.

    Assistance, documentation, code samples would all be appreciated.

    Kevin Buchs

  • 2.  RE: Urban Code Deploy - calling a custom application/process from Jenkins

    Rational Test- Active Member
    Posted Tue July 12, 2022 06:17 AM
    I have updated the documentation and added the referenced article as a blog here:

    Osman Burucu
    Product Manager UrbanCode Family

  • 3.  RE: Urban Code Deploy - calling a custom application/process from Jenkins
    Best Answer

    Posted Tue July 12, 2022 03:02 PM
    It turns out, the Jenkins pipeline for this is just like deploy pipeline.

    For this example, my custom UCDeploy application is called "my-custom-app", the environment is "staging", the process is "glFetch". That process takes two arguments, appShort and assetId. My UCD site is named: "my site". Here is a partial pipeline:

    pipeline {
      parameters {
        string(name: 'appShort')
        string(name: 'assetId')
      environment {
        appShort = "${params.appShort}"
        assetId = "${params.assetId}"
      stages {
        stage ('Run UCD') {
          steps {
              $class: 'UCDeployPublisher',
              siteName: 'my site',
              deploy: [
                $class: 'com.urbancode.jenkins.plugins.ucdeploy.DeployHelper$DeployBlock',
                deployApp: 'my-custom-app',
                deployEnv: 'staging',
                deployProc: 'gitFetch',
                deployReqProps: "appShort=${appShort}\nassetId=${assetId}"

    Kevin Buchs