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IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents
Join us 23 January from 11 AM - 6 PM ET as over 30 speakers from IBM and key AI industry leaders discuss the latest AI trends.
Our engineering teams produce a range of technical articles (and blog posts, videos, etc) about Open Liberty, WebSphere Liberty, and IBM Semeru Runtimes throughout the year. But that's no good unless you, the people we write them for, actually find out about them.
So here's a quick roundup of some articles that we published around the Web in the past year:
Six reasons why WebSphere Liberty and Open Liberty is an ideal choice for cloud-native Java applications
Where do you get your Java?
Rapid Startup of Your Cloud-Native Java Applications without Compromise (a pre-GA discussion)
How We Developed the Eclipse OpenJ9 CRIU Support for Fast Java Startup
How to Containerize Your Spring Boot Application for Rapid Startup
Liberty Tools for your IDE:
Effective Cloud-Native Development with Open Liberty in Visual Studio Code
Effective cloud-native Java app development with Open Liberty in the Eclipse IDE
Please let us know below which articles you find useful, and what else you'd like us to write about.
------------------------------Dr Laura CowenTechnical Content Strategist for App RuntimesWinchester, UK------------------------------