WebSphere Application Server & Liberty

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Resource Reference not found in Liberty- Indirect JNDI lookup

  • 1.  Resource Reference not found in Liberty- Indirect JNDI lookup

    Posted Mon September 18, 2023 10:31 AM

    Hi All,
    I have recently deployed an Application from Traditional WebSphere to Liberty. I was able to bring up the page but could not login due to below message. When i checked Traditional Resource references section, i see we have resource reference mapped to it. How can i do that similarly in Websphere liberty server.xml. Tried below but it's not working. This resource is not an actual Datasource, It is an indirect lookup. Can you suggest the correct syntax. Appreciate your help.
            <resource-ref id="webapp" jndiName="ldap/ad_resource" binding-name="ldap/ad_resource" />

    ERROR com.webapp.login.ws.LoginWebService - Could not login due to 500com.frameworks.login.dao.exception.ResourceNotFoundException: Unable to create ldap template due to: CWNEN1001E: The object referenced by the java:comp/env/ldap/ad_resource JNDI name could not be instantiated. If the reference name maps to a JNDI name in the deployment descriptor bindings for the application performing the JNDI lookup, make sure that the JNDI name mapping in the deployment descriptor binding is correct. If the JNDI name mapping is correct, make sure the target resource can be resolved with the specified name relative to the default initial context

    Nagarjuna Reddy Arakala