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  • 1.  Reporting on zOS UCD deploys

    Posted Mon November 28, 2022 03:25 PM
    What is everyone doing for UCD reports from an ITSM perspective? Information like count of deploys, applications,  artifacts/programs/deploys that went in and time/date they went in. I assume everyone is rolling their own from the UCD database since the in depth reporting in UCD is pretty lacking.

    Preston Rominger

  • 2.  RE: Reporting on zOS UCD deploys

    Posted Thu December 01, 2022 01:59 AM
    That is the case, when a different type of metric is used, you need to use the APIs to query the data into your own reporting engine, or you can also use to push this data as custom metric into IBM UrbanCode Velocity.

    IBM UrbanCode Velocity provides out of the box some UCD related metrics, which we are working on to expand, but in the mean time you can use your own custom metrics to be made visible on the UCV dashboards or reports.

    Osman Burucu
    Product Manager UrbanCode Family