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  • 1.  Introduce yourself!

    IBM TechXchange Speaker
    Posted Thu August 05, 2021 02:19 PM
    Edited by System Test Thu June 01, 2023 09:56 AM

    Hi Everyone,


    My name is Divya, and I'm part of the IBM Community Management team. There are several of us working to make this community a place to gather.

    Our goals are to support you, answer your questions, facilitate conversations, help you get to know the platform, and make this community an overall great place for you to visit regularly. I'm excited to get to know you all personally.


    I'd love if you'd upload a profile picture, then introduce yourself briefly in the comments below by answering one or all of the following questions (feel free to go off script as well):


    • What would make this community amazing for you?
    • How do you use UrbanCode?
    • What are you passionate about, other than work?
    • Do you have a favorite corny joke?


    Here's a little about me:

    I've been with IBM for about 7 years now and worked on different Automation products.  I love traveling, spicy food, and have lately been fond of gardening in my backyard (post-covid stress buster). I am super excited to be a part of this community and can't wait for y'all to be too. 

    OK, your turn! Upload that profile picture and introduce yourself!

    Divya Koppolu

  • 2.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    Posted Tue August 10, 2021 10:19 AM
    Profile image <a" title="Profile image" data-title="Profile image" width="100" data-modalsrc=" 2.jpg" data-imgbase=" 2.jpg" data-imgthumbnail=" 2-T.jpg" data-imgmedium=" 2-M.jpg" data-imglarge=" 2-L.jpg">
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Veronique and I would like to introduce myself by sharing some details about our current startup Sidemeet which is a nonprofit with a global value proposition on current social issues targetting marginalized communities.



    - Building a direct link between NGO's and their target audience

    - Providing marginalized communities with the tools to thrive & manage growth


    - Engaging & informing governmental bodies

    - Collaborating with institutions and organizations


    - Publicise tools offered by non-profit organizations to this target group

    - Guided education on social media techniques and safety 










    What would make this community amazing for you?

    IBM products are amazing without a doubt. Still, it is complex for noobs to start using any of the proposed solutions. I would appreciate a section where collaboration is offered. This could be paid or voluntarily and anything in between. Nowadays, companies strive to put the social topic high on their agenda and this would greatly benefit organizations with limited resources to expand on their potential.

    SideMeet welcomes socially engaged entrepreneurs and individuals: 

    - Experts to join our board

    - VC's to invest in our program

    - Partnership with third-party platforms

    What are you passionate about, other than work?
    Activism, which is more or less part of my work too.

    Do you have a favorite corny joke?

    Veronique S.

  • 3.  RE: Introduce yourself!

    IBM TechXchange Speaker
    Posted Fri August 20, 2021 12:46 PM
    Welcome to the community, Veronique! We are thrilled to have you here :)

    Divya Koppolu