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  • 1.  Installation Manager crashed during a rollback to FP14 from F22 on WAS

    Posted Wed September 06, 2023 07:05 AM
    Edited by Muhammad Faisal Syed Wed September 06, 2023 07:06 AM


    During Rollback of FP22 to FP14 through GUI(./IBMIM) on a Clustered WAS8.5.5.22 node, due to session outage Installation Manager crashed (abruptly closed) before successfully finished message. When I'm trying to run Installation Manager for the Rollback to FP14, IM prompts message that FP22 is installed although it crashed during the installation process, so move ahead and try again to roll to FP14. This process again generates installation errors and stops. 

    Now, this node is neither properly on FP22 or FP14. This acutally was the last node of the cluster I was working on. All other nodes were upgraded to FP22 successfully.

    My question is that:

    What if I copy all the content from the bin directory for e.g  "/ibm/WebSphere/AppServer/bin"  of a successfully installed node and paste in the same location of the node which has the issue.  Will my node work?

    as I'm not changing any profiles directory of "/ibm/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/ArrSrv01/ "

    I know it's not the best practice but is there any possibility? 



    Muhammad Faisal Syed

  • 2.  RE: Installation Manager crashed during a rollback to FP14 from F22 on WAS

    Posted Thu September 07, 2023 03:20 AM

    Hello Faisal,

    well - just copying the  "/ibm/WebSphere/AppServer/bin" is probably not a good idea as them you have a discrepancy between the data on the filesystem and the meta data held by IM. Any idea why the IBM GUI is crashing? What about using the IM CLI "imcl" to rollback? Just wondering - do you have a backup of WAS and IM before upgrading (or a snapshot of the VM should do as well)? Can you restore that?

    Hermann Huebler
    2innovate IT Consulting GmbH


  • 3.  RE: Installation Manager crashed during a rollback to FP14 from F22 on WAS

    Posted Thu September 07, 2023 03:42 AM

    Hi Hermann Huebler,

    Appreciate your response, yes we can use imcl but right now we neither on fp22 or fp 14 , I'm trying to restore the machine with issue by coping all the files except "profiles' from a valid running node and then will run rollback to fp22. Any suggestions for restoring such node that has gone wrong.

    Muhammad Faisal Syed

  • 4.  RE: Installation Manager crashed during a rollback to FP14 from F22 on WAS

    Posted Thu September 07, 2023 04:05 AM

    Hello Faisal, does a rollback to FP14 using imcl (./imcl help rollback) fails as well? Just wondering as you said that the GUI crashes. 

    Regarding the restore process - did you backup the IM data before the upgrade as well? The profile data you should sync from the Dmgr anyhow. That should not be the issue. I'm more worries about the potential discrepancy of IM metadata and the filesystem. So if you restore the filesystem you should also restore the matching IM Meta data (either in /etc or ~/etc - depending on a user installation or a root installation of im)

    Hermann Huebler
    2innovate IT Consulting GmbH


  • 5.  RE: Installation Manager crashed during a rollback to FP14 from F22 on WAS

    Posted Thu September 07, 2023 04:15 AM

    No , haven't tried the ./imcl yet.

    Muhammad Faisal Syed