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  • 1.  IBM UDeploy - Streamline component process

    Posted 4 days ago

    In our current setup with IBM udeploy. We have a separate component process for each AWS endpoint(eg:east-1/east-2/west-2). The only difference between these processes is the API property in the CF shell script for each AWS foundations. This API endpoint is derived from system properties

    eg: API =

    We aim to streamline this by creating a single component process that can handle all current AWS foundations and any foundations added in future. Based on the location value specified in the version properties (east-1/west-2 etc.,). in Udeploy, the deployment should occur according to the specified location, rather than having multiple API(target endpoint) CF shell script. These deployments are triggered via Jenkins/Cloudbees pipeline.

    Could anyone suggest how we might achieve this scenario? any insights or examples would be greatly appreciated.

    Jessie Alen

  • 2.  RE: IBM UDeploy - Streamline component process

    Posted 3 days ago

    Hello Jessie,

    If I understand correctly, exactly like you described in your example, you should be able to streamline your component process by using either component or application/environment level properties to reference the property 

    Reference: Referring to properties - UrbanCode Deploy ( and Component properties - UrbanCode Deploy (

    You could also create multiple components for each AWS endpoint to map them against a single application. Your users should be able to target their deployments to a specific region if required or all regions.

    Hope this helps. 


    Rahul Dhanpal
    Pleasant Prairie