We are migrating an application from tWAS using Federated repositories with several base entries mapping to map base entries in VMM to the LDAP repositories to Liberty. I.e. in the XML on tWAS we have an entry like:
<baseEntries name="cn=externalUsers" nameInRepository="cn=users,cn=external,cn=applications,CN=MYCN,OU=UNIT,O=XXXX,C=YY"/>
However we can not find anything equivalent in the federated repositories definitions for Liberty (or we are simply missing it). How can we configure this baseEnties mapping in Liberty so that LTPA tokens with the baseEntry `cn=externalUsers` is mapped to `cn=users,cn=external,cn=applications,CN=MYCN,OU=UNIT,O=XXXX,C=YY`?
For example an LTPA Token for `uid=user1,cn=externalUsers` should be mapped to `uid=user1,cn=users,cn=external,cn=applications,CN=MYCN,OU=UNIT,O=XXXX,C=YY`. How can we configure such a mapping in Liberty?
Thanks a lot in advance for any advise and have a good day, Hermann
Hermann Huebler
Alpium IT Solutions GmbH