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  • 1.  DB2 Migration from AIX to RedHat

    Posted Mon November 07, 2022 10:26 AM
    I found this tutorial which covers RedHat to AIX.  I am wondering if the reverse procedure would work for AIX to RedHat. Or if there is another procedure that someone knows of.  This is part of moving the current UrbanCode Deploy on AIX to RedHat.

    Robert Carter
    Sr. Rational Tools Architect
    A Better Solution| Inc.
    Conley GA

  • 2.  RE: DB2 Migration from AIX to RedHat

    Posted Wed November 09, 2022 01:36 AM
    Hello Robert,

    As the provided tutorial is from the DB2 team, could you please ask the question on their community also?

    I am not an expert in DB2 but I would assume that this tutorial will also help you to migrate the DB from AIX to Linux.

    Osman Burucu
    Product Manager UrbanCode Family

  • 3.  RE: DB2 Migration from AIX to RedHat

    Posted Wed November 09, 2022 02:15 AM
    Please open a support ticket with IBM support to get best support for this case.

    Osman Burucu
    Product Manager UrbanCode Family