WebSphere Application Server & Liberty

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What's New in The Migration Tools

By Anu Ramamoorthy posted Fri December 01, 2023 09:39 AM



The WebSphere Application Server Migration Tools can be used to analyze the contents of an application and determine what changes are needed to migrate to Liberty, a new version of WebSphere, or a new version of Java, among other migration destinations. The release increases the number of automated fixes available in the Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries.   

Download the new release of the migration tools today and give them a try!  

Information about how to use our tools can be found in the WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit documentation 

For an overview of the application modernization process, see the Modernizing applications to use WebSphere Liberty learning path. 


What are the migration tools? 

The Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries (binary scanner) is a command line tool for analyzing application binaries. After scanning the application, it produces a report with configuration information, technologies required by the application, a list of necessary code changes for migration, configuration to include recipes for automated code changes, and a view of the contents within the archive. This report can be generated in multiple formats, and you can use different parameters to filter information that you would like to be included. More information about the binary scanner can be found in the What is the Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries? blog post.  

The WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit (source scanner) is deprecated, and future investments will be focused on an IDE-agnostic solution for application analysis using the Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries and automated source code fixes (referred to as quick fixes in Eclipse) via recipes that are run through Maven and Gradle build invocations.   

What's new in version 

Java SE and Java/Jakarta EE Automated Fixes on the Command Line via Recipes 

The Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries now supports automated source code fixes on the command line for moving to several Java versions. These include Java version 7,8,9, Jakarta EE 9, and Jakarta EE 10. See Detailed Migration Analysis Report for instructions on performing application analysis and reviewing the several available rules with automated fixes.   

The report also provides the Automated Fix Configuration section that contains the config of all supported recipes. These include over 40 recipes covering several versions of Java in addition to the many existing Liberty recipes (rewrite-liberty). 

Here is a snippet of the new Automated Fix Configuration section: 


Then based on whether it is a Gradle or a Maven invocation run : 

./gradlew rewriteRun 


./mvnw rewrite:run 

See https://github.com/openrewrite to learn more. 

