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Partnership properties in a HyperSwap topology

  • 1.  Partnership properties in a HyperSwap topology

    Posted Wed September 27, 2023 11:44 AM

    Hi guys

    I'm building a new hyperswap topology consisting of 2 FS9500 in the datacenters. When creating the topology I'm asked to set 2 partnership parameters: 'link bandwidth' and 'bakground copy rate'. I know that I can change them afterwards (thank god) but I'm couldn't find any usful description of what these 2 parameters actually represent.

    So what exactly is meant by 'link bandwidth'? Is it the total physical available bandwith for the internode communication between the datacenters? In our case that would be 4x32Gb/s per fabric times 2 resulting in 256Gb/s in total. Or is it just a part of that bandwidth and I need the have some kind of reserve?

    And what is considered 'background copy'? I think at least it should be hyperswap synchronization, but what else? What counts as 'background copy' and what not?

    My question aims to not interfere with the settings for the "normal hyperswap writes", meaning I don't want to increase the latency for mirrored writes because of a bad set of parameters.

    I hope some can enlighten me :)

    Thanks and cheers


    Peter Wyder
    Senior DevOps Engineer Storage
    Zürcher Kantonalbank

  • 2.  RE: Partnership properties in a HyperSwap topology

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed September 27, 2023 12:15 PM

    This one goes back a couple of versions, but the data is still good:

    bandwidth_in_mbps specifies the bandwidth (in megabytes per second) that is used by the background copy process between the clusters (this is optional),



    Creating a new FlashCopy relationship between storage volumes - IBM Documentation

    Optionally set BackgroundCopyRate to the preferred priority of the background copy rate (0 - 100)



    Ian R Wright

    Client Technical Sales Engineer

    Mainline Information Systems

    Specializing in Mainframe and Open Storage, Linux, Ansible, Containers/Cloud 







  • 3.  RE: Partnership properties in a HyperSwap topology

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed September 27, 2023 12:18 PM

    Sorry, just to add something a bit more recent:


    Background copy bandwidth impact on foreground I/O latency - IBM Documentation

    To set the background copy bandwidth optimally, you must consider all three resources (primary storage, intersystem link bandwidth, and secondary storage). Provision the most restrictive of these three resources between the background copy bandwidth and the peak foreground I/O workload. You must also consider concurrent host I/O. If other write operations arrive at the primary system for copy to the remote site, these write operations can be delayed by a high level of background copy. As a result, the hosts at the primary site receive poor write-operation response times.



    Ian R Wright

    Client Technical Sales Engineer

    Mainline Information Systems

    Specializing in Mainframe and Open Storage, Linux, Ansible, Containers/Cloud 







  • 4.  RE: Partnership properties in a HyperSwap topology

    User Group Leader
    Posted Thu September 28, 2023 08:44 AM

    If this is a new configuration I would highly recommend looking into the newly release High Availability feature with the 9500 instead of hyperswap.

    It is much easier to configure, is based on more modern, scaling and performant technology.

    Evelyn Perez
    IBM Senior Technical Staff Member
    IBM Storage Virtualize Software Architect for SVC and FlashSystem

  • 5.  RE: Partnership properties in a HyperSwap topology

    Posted Fri September 29, 2023 04:27 AM

    Hello Evelyn,

    I haven't heard of this new feature, there is other material to further explore the solution? i see that is available also on SVC 8.6, so it is an alternative to Enhanced Stretched Cluster?

    thanks for your contribution.

    Davide Galbussera

  • 6.  RE: Partnership properties in a HyperSwap topology

    Posted Fri September 29, 2023 04:28 AM

    Hello Evelyn,

    I haven't heard of this new feature, there is other material to further explore the solution? i see that is available also on SVC 8.6, so it is an alternative to Enhanced Stretched Cluster?

    thanks for your contribution.

    Davide Galbussera

  • 7.  RE: Partnership properties in a HyperSwap topology

    User Group Leader
    Posted Fri September 29, 2023 04:58 AM

    Hi Davide,

    Policy-Based HA is the replacement for hyperswap and any Stretched cluster configuration. It  is available starting from  8.6.1 for FlashSystem 5200, FlashSystem 7x00, FlashSystem 9x00 and SVC.

    Similarly, Policy Based Asynchronous Replication (released in the 8.5.x release stream)  is the replacement for the existing Global Mirror and Global Mirror with Change Volumes features.

    Here is the announcement letter:

    Release notes for 8.6.1:

    Publications for the feature start here:

    Redbook on Policy Based Replication:


    Evelyn Perez
    IBM Senior Technical Staff Member
    IBM Storage Virtualize Software Architect for SVC and FlashSystem

  • 8.  RE: Partnership properties in a HyperSwap topology

    Posted Mon October 09, 2023 12:45 PM

    "Policy-Based HA is the replacement for hyperswap and any Stretched cluster configuration"

    So, in a vSphere environment with two FS5200. Would volumes present themselves as a volume backed by four controllers (as in HyperSwap)?

    Or would I need to to manual failover (in vSphere etc.) in case of one FS5200 completely failing ?

    Dag Kvello

  • 9.  RE: Partnership properties in a HyperSwap topology

    User Group Leader
    Posted Tue October 10, 2023 05:21 AM

    Yes, PBHA provides automatic failover in an ESXi environment (cuz otherwise it wouldn't be highly available). In the vSphere environment the volume would show paths to 4 nodes (4 WWNNs).

    Evelyn Perez
    IBM Senior Technical Staff Member
    IBM Storage Virtualize Software Architect for SVC and FlashSystem

  • 10.  RE: Partnership properties in a HyperSwap topology

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue October 10, 2023 03:31 AM

    Based on the fact that the storage is an enterprise system and Policy-Based HA is actually a "TechPreview" with minor limitations, it should be at least questioned in an enterprise environment.

    So for me the main questions are: Will there be a way to "migrate" a HyperSwap into a "Policy-Based HA" Environment? And do you think that 8.6.0.* is actually save for production?

    Patrik Groß

  • 11.  RE: Partnership properties in a HyperSwap topology

    User Group Leader
    Posted Tue October 10, 2023 05:07 AM

    Hi Patrik,

    Please note that  Policy Based HA is not a tech preview, it is a fully released version in 8.6.1, which is a fully supported and released build of code.   Yes there are some limitations to the implementation as it is the initial launch, but additional function will be coming in each subsequent release, and for clients who are interested in a high availability solution, PBHA should be evaluated to determine if the feature set meets the requirements (and if not, what is missing and when it is expected to be supported).

    WRT to 8.6.X:  Client are recommended to CD release should they want to use a feature provided by that level with the knowledge that there won't likely be any PTFs for that CD and they will need to upgrade to the next LTS if they want to get onto a different later stream (so you may end up with an extra upgrade step).  It is not a question of safe for production or not, all our releases get a full set of system test, regression test and development rigor.  We would not ship the code if we didn't expect someone to be on it.  Some clients are more risk averse and won't install code that hasn't had multiple field fixes or have slow change policies for massive estates that have to stay on the same change level, for those clients it makes more sense to run an LTS recommended level.

    In terms of Migration:  In 8.6.1 you cannot migrate the hyperswap config to a PBHA and maintain your high availability, which is why for new system set ups in particular, everyone should be looking at designing in PBHA rather than hyperswap or PBR instead of GM/GMCV.  Be sure to ask about it in more detail at this week's DACH storage strategy days, there are several sessions dedicated to policy based replication (async and HA) at the event this week and at the regional UGMs in November (



    Evelyn Perez
    IBM Senior Technical Staff Member
    IBM Storage Virtualize Software Architect for SVC and FlashSystem

  • 12.  RE: Partnership properties in a HyperSwap topology

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue October 10, 2023 05:13 AM

    thx for clarification

    Patrik Groß

  • 13.  RE: Partnership properties in a HyperSwap topology

    Posted Tue January 09, 2024 04:32 AM

    Hi Evelyn

    I had a look at PBHA on our SVC Sandbox.

    Unfortunately for the system I mentioned in the original post this was not an option becuase as it is a production system only LTS code is allowed per our security rules. But since this will change in (8.7 or 9.0, depending on your numbering plans) it's fine :)

    But when I played with it on our sandbox I found another thing which would sadly prevent us from using it: it seems to require IP quorum devices.

    On our quroum site we have absolutely no server infrastructure, only our FC quorum disk system for all quorum/tiebreaker/etc. needs (for server and disk clusters) and to be honst quite a crappy ethernet infrastructure (well since it's for management only our network team didn't see the need to build something "sturdy").

    So my question is: will there be a possibility to use "traditional" FC quorum disks somewhere in the future (maybe before it hits LTS status)?

    Thanks and cheers


    Peter Wyder
    Senior DevOps Engineer Storage
    Zürcher Kantonalbank

  • 14.  RE: Partnership properties in a HyperSwap topology

    Posted Fri February 02, 2024 12:47 PM


    can the same pool contibute to two storage partitions?

    Eg Storage Partition Primary in site A --> Site B with Pool 0

    Eg Storage Partition Primary in site B --> Site B with Pool 0

    or do i need 

    Eg Storage Partition Primary in site A --> Site B with Pool 0

    Eg Storage Partition Primary in site B --> Site B with Pool 1

    (if this is the case can i use childpools from the same pool )

