For the ones who are interested in using Snapshots of SAP HANA, than one can use Spictera Snapshot storing the snapshots on the IBM Spectrum Protect
Each snapshot are taken locally and incrementally sent using progressive block level forever techniques to the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
The snapshot retention policy are centralized controlled from the IBM Spectrum Protect backup server
Restoring snapshots are almost instantly.
Tomas Dalebjörk
Original Message:
Sent: Thu February 09, 2023 08:43 AM
From: Markus Fehling
Subject: IBM FlashCopy tool FCtool for SAP HANA has been sunset
As of first of January 2023 the AS-IS software tool FCtool has been sunset.
This tool was used to backup, restore, and copy SAP HANA instances via FlashCopy.
Announcement is posted here:
IBM has product IBM Spectrum Copy Data Management supporting SAP HANA.
Markus Fehling