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  • 1.  FS9500 and FS9200R Performance Monitoring and Health Check Assessment

    Posted 11 days ago

    Hi All,  Is there any redbook for FlashSystems Health Check and Assessment.  Apart from PG redp5669, what is the good document specifically for Performance Monitoring, Tools used and Storage Assessment.

    Second query is:  What is the specific redbook for CSM(Copy Service Manager) Performance Tuning for both DS8K and FS9500/FS0200R.



  • 2.  RE: FS9500 and FS9200R Performance Monitoring and Health Check Assessment

    Posted 10 days ago

    No redbook link but self explaining FS/DS8k Performance Monitoring and Health Check Assessment tool:

    Pavel Hampl

  • 3.  RE: FS9500 and FS9200R Performance Monitoring and Health Check Assessment

    Posted 10 days ago

    Hi Pavel.  Thanks for the link.  Great assessment tool.  Can we add our Storage in it for Assessment purposes.  Any pointers on it.



  • 4.  RE: FS9500 and FS9200R Performance Monitoring and Health Check Assessment

    Posted 10 days ago

    the link I sent is just a demo site, install the product in your env, it is free

    Pavel Hampl

  • 5.  RE: FS9500 and FS9200R Performance Monitoring and Health Check Assessment

    User Group Leader
    Posted 10 days ago

    Hi - This is not really a redbook topic.  The Health Check is done by our support tools as part of the Inventory Call home and can be started via support or seen via Storage Insights.  What kind of information were you looking for specifically?  

    For performance monitoring - generally the answer is use Storage Insights. However, there are partner tools that are developed for this (SVA BVQ and ATS Galileo for instance) as well as home grown tools that use our performance statistics (which are documented in the main product documentation).

    There are best practices and performance guidelines in redbooks, but I don't believe we have anything around assessments, so I am interested in the use case you are trying to solve

    Evelyn Perez
    IBM Senior Technical Staff Member
    IBM Storage Virtualize Software Architect for SVC and FlashSystem

  • 6.  RE: FS9500 and FS9200R Performance Monitoring and Health Check Assessment

    Posted 9 days ago

    Hello. We want to do an initial assessment of all of the Storages/SAN and get a baseline information (AS IS) then chalk out a plan to optimize (TO BE). (May be reduce cost and wastage, if any). We want to see if they are getting what is expected from these Frames. Also, like they inform us that on FS9200 Compression/Deduplication is not enabled. Any specific reason, why, and what will be the benefits if we enable it. (Of course, keeping in mind the proper sequence, like encryption is not happening first). Basically, some real value-add and improvements over what they are doing currently. Another part involved is 'Data Lifecycle Management' recommendations related to iSeries and Oracle DB.   Thanks.


  • 7.  RE: FS9500 and FS9200R Performance Monitoring and Health Check Assessment

    IBM Champion
    Posted 9 days ago

    The topic you mentioned seems to be better suited for a report written by an expert consultant who can examine the relevant systems and provide insights based on their experience, rather than an assessment generated by software.  Every point must be examined; host connectivity to the SAN and storage, connection speed and path count, multipath algorithm and volume layout on the operating system, etc.  

    Nezih Boyacioglu