Thanks Avi. The connection is DIRECT, point to point without switch. Theorically the IDAA solution is supported this way.
We are planning to enable NPIV in the host side, create a "dummy host" in the DS8K assigning virtual WWPN presented after enable NPIV, and see if IDAA can progress in the LUN discover step (where we are stopped with a message saying that NPIV it is a must).
Original Message:
Sent: Tue March 14, 2023 01:18 AM
From: Avi Langberg
Subject: DS8900 attached to LinuxOne IV (IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator deployment)
any SAN switch installed?
הודעה זו נשלחה אליך מטעם חברה בקבוצת מלם תים וייתכן שהיא מוגנת תחת סודיות מסחרית. כל הצעה, התחייבות או מצג מטעם החברה, מחייבים מסמך נפרד וחתום על ידי מורשה החתימה של החברה. החברה רשאית לנטר כל תכתובת העוברת בשרתיה והיא לא תישא באחריות לכל נזק, ו/או אובדן, שיבוש או פגיעה במידע כלשהו שנגרם מסיבות של תקיפה חיצונית ו/או זדונית על הארגון.
Original Message:
Sent: 3/12/2023 5:29:00 PM
From: Eduardo Jimenez Bueno
Subject: DS8900 attached to LinuxOne IV (IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator deployment)
New IDAA deployment. Environment composed of a new LinuxOne IV and DS8900F within the same LinuxOne rack.
Direct attach from 6 pchids to 6 DS8900 ioports. There will be two IDAA partitions (PROD and TEST).
We have configured DS8900 this way:
a) Create Pool Pair (all Storage assigned to both Pools)
b) Created two "ZLinux Hosts", first one with 4 assigned WWPN, and second one with two WWPN.
c) Created volumes (Fixed Block) and assigned to the hosts from the volume creation wizard.
d) Modified DS8900 ioports to SCSI-FCP (FC connections from LinuxOne).
All tasks were done from Storage Manager. Statements:
a) 6 ioports appears in "connection stablished" state
b) Volumes assigned to Host 1 are under volume group V0
c) Volumes assigned to Host 2 are under Volume Group V1
Ouptut from "lshostconnect" shows 6 connections, and column ESSioport = ALL, so I guess that Hosts WWPN could be plugged in any DS8900 ioport, right ?
The problem is that from IDAA configuration Wizard, one of the step is to "discover" storage paths, and those dont appear.
Any suggestion ??
Eduardo Jimenez Bueno