Hello Everybody.
I am migrating a customer from IS 6.1 to IS
Everything is going smoothly for a first migration except the migration of the C1 Market Site Adapter.
I have done 2 attemps:
1)Download all the adapter package (wmPartner;wmMarketConnect and wmMarketConnectTN) from webMethods Web Site and follow exactly the installation guide (C1OnRampInstallationGuide30.pdf)
2)Copy directly in the package directory direclty the content of the package directory from a running IS 6.1.
In both cath I got the Adapter loaded Partialy and No function works…
And he mainly ask to recompile the source…
Also wmTomcat is failing…
Here is my Server Log:
[1940]2009-12-16 17:25:20 CET [ISU.0000.9999C] B2Broperties not set, loading it now [1939]2009-12-16 17:25:20 CET [ISS.0028.0012I] TRMonitor: Startup service (TRMonitor.Services:StartUp) [1938]2009-12-16 17:25:20 CET [ISS.0028.0013E] Startup service exited with the following error: com.wm.app.b2b.server.ServiceException: [ISS.0026.9102] Service ‘pub.marketconnect.transport:setHandler’ is not operational. To run this service, first recompile the Java source. [1937]2009-12-16 17:25:19 CET [TNS.0005.1042I] Warning: Trying to register delivery service C1 Envelope HTTP(S) that is already registered [1936]2009-12-16 17:25:19 CET [ISS.0028.0012I] WmMarketConnectTN: Startup service (wm.marketconnect.tn.startup:startup) [1935]2009-12-16 17:25:19 CET [ISS.0028.0012I] WmMarketConnect: Startup service (wm.marketconnect.admin:startup) [1934]2009-12-16 17:25:19 CET [ISS.0028.0013E] Startup service exited with the following error: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: com/wm/util/queue/ValuesHashException [1933]2009-12-16 17:25:19 CET [ISS.0028.0012I] WmPartners: Startup service (wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.admin:startup) [1932]2009-12-16 17:25:19 CET [ISS.0028.0012I] WmPKI: Startup service (wm.server.pki.admin:init) [1931]2009-12-16 17:25:19 CET [ISS.0028.0012I] WmARTExtDC: Startup service (com.wm.artextdc.pkginit:init) [1930]2009-12-16 17:25:19 CET [ISS.0028.0012I] WmTNExtDC: Startup service (wm.tnextdc.PkgInit:init) [1929]2009-12-16 17:25:19 CET [ISS.0028.0012I] WmISExtDC: Startup service (com.wm.isextdc.PkgInit:init) [1928]2009-12-16 17:25:19 CET [ISS.0028.0012I] WmXSLT: Startup service (wm.xslt.Admin:startup) [1927]2009-12-16 17:25:19 CET [ISS.0028.0012I] WmFlatFile: Startup service (wm.server.ff:setACLs) [1926]2009-12-16 17:25:18 CET [ISS.0028.0012I] WmFlatFile: Startup service (wm.server.ff:init) [1925]2009-12-16 17:25:18 CET [ISS.0004.0003E] Logging JDBC diagnostics to logs/jdbc.log [1924]2009-12-16 17:25:18 CET [ISS.0028.0012I] WmDB: Startup service (wm.server.db:startup) [1923]2009-12-16 17:25:18 CET [ISS.0028.0012I] WmTN: Startup service (wm.tn.mime:init) [1922]2009-12-16 17:25:18 CET [ISU.0000.9999I] TRANET: Loading system configuration [1921]2009-12-16 17:25:18 CET [ISU.0000.9999C] TRANET: Starting webMethods Trading Networks [1920]2009-12-16 17:25:17 CET [ISS.0028.0012I] WmTN: Startup service (wm.tn.admin:startup) [1919]2009-12-16 17:25:17 CET [ISS.0028.0012I] WmVCS: Startup service (wm.server.vcsui:addSolutions) [1918]2009-12-16 17:25:17 CET [VCS.0132.0050I] VCS package initializing [1917]2009-12-16 17:25:17 CET [ISS.0028.0012I] WmVCS: Startup service (wm.server.vcsadmin:startup) [1916]2009-12-16 17:25:17 CET [ISS.0028.0013E] Startup service exited with the following error: com.wm.app.b2b.server.ServiceException: javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl not found [1915]2009-12-16 17:25:17 CET [ISS.0100.0008I] javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl not found [1914]2009-12-16 17:25:17 CET [ISS.0100.0008I] Tomcat XML validation is disabled [1913]2009-12-16 17:25:16 CET [ISS.0100.0008I] Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/5.0 [1912]2009-12-16 17:25:16 CET [ISS.0100.0008I] Starting tomcat server [1911]2009-12-16 17:25:15 CET [ISS.0028.0012I] WmTomcat: Startup service (wm.tomcat.admin:startup)
Could you please help me debug this and get the adapter up and running under 7.1.
Thanks in advance for your help.