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Recently I had to create a certificate for an on-premises Netcool Omnibus probe. IBM provides online documentation, and a support guide is also available; however, I still felt it would be good if there were a quick step by step to follow, especially if you need to configure the certificate...
In this video Zane and I explain, how to ingest event data into a hybrid Cloud setup with "Watson AIOps - Event Manager". We are using an IBM Cloud RedHat OpenShift based core installation and talk you through how to connect locally installed probes using the simnet probe. Topics covered: -...
One of our customers wanted to change the behaviour when right-clicking on an event. Instead of opening it inside the DASH, open a new browser tab. In this blog post we will show you, how to do just that. The Starting Point The IBM Runbook Automation (RBA) integration into the OMNIbus Event...
Just recently I wondered how easy it is to count events in a Netcool/OMNIbus probe rules file: just declare a persistent variable %eventcount and increment it each time an event passes by %eventcount = int(%eventcount) + 1. Well, that is true but not even half of the story. You declare the...