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How to Filter a dashboard table to not display objects that have another associated object.

  • 1.  How to Filter a dashboard table to not display objects that have another associated object.

    Posted Fri March 22, 2024 12:03 PM
    Edited by Markis Lawson Fri March 22, 2024 12:03 PM

    Hello everyone,

    I am trying to figure out a way to filter my data in such a way that I can have a list of products that do not contain a certain criteria. In my example I want to only display the Refrigerators that are not available in purple color. So I want all the Refrigerators that come in purple to be filtered out. Currently when I attempt to filter the Purple color it just does not display Purple in the table but shows the Beta Refrigerator along with the other 4 color options. I want the Beta Refrigerator to be removed from the table based on it being available in Purple.

    I hope this makes sense and thank you for any help!

    Cognos 11.2.2

    Refrigerator Color
    Alpha Blue
    Alpha Yellow
    Alpha Green
    Alpha Red
    Beta Blue
    Beta Yellow
    Beta Green
    Beta Red
    Beta Purple

    Markis Lawson

  • 2.  RE: How to Filter a dashboard table to not display objects that have another associated object.

    Posted Sun May 05, 2024 02:58 AM

    Hello @Markis Lawson,

    >>I want the Beta Refrigerator to be removed from the table based on it being available in Purple.

    You need to combine product and color in a query element and filter against the color:

    This will provide combinations that you want to filter out based on the color:

    Then create a second query where Product+Color not in Query1.Product+Color:

    Which then will provide all products that not of the desired color:

    Hope this helps.



    Ralf Roeber