Hello, sorry you're having difficulties opening syntax files. May I clarify a few things please:
- Are you double-clicking on a .sps (syntax) file from the Windows Explorer?
- Does this happen with any .sps file or just a particular one?
- If yes to 1 & 2 above, it sounds like your Windows file associations are somehow misaligned. Recommend you reinstall IBM SPSS Statistics so the installer can reset the file associations.
If the above only happens with one particular .sps file, then most likely that file has been corrupted and may need to be recreated.
Curtis Browning
SPSS Statistics Architect
Original Message:
Sent: Fri January 26, 2024 10:57 AM
From: IBMcode SPSS
Subject: Technical Issue
I am using SPSS 29.0.2 in Windows.
Suddenly today, when I clicked on SPSS syntax file, it opened only data window, but not the syntax one.
I tried some other times after I restarted my machine, but still same issue.
Any suggestions?
Thank you.