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"Solving OPL models on the cloud" - Connection ID/Missing Information

  • 1.  "Solving OPL models on the cloud" - Connection ID/Missing Information

    Posted Wed February 28, 2024 01:03 PM

    Good Morning IBM Community,

    I have a question regarding the CPLEX "Run this with Watson Machine Learning" Option. While trying to connect my CPLEX Model (CPLEX Version 22.1.1) with the IBM Cloud, using the IBM Documentation (, I encounter the problem of missing information in that specific documentation. 

    The IBM Documentation shows this Mask, where different informations need to be filled in:

    The Authentification Mask and the needed information regarding the IBM Cloud Documentation (Verson 22.1.1)
    While I got all the needed storages etc. setup, when going to the same Mask in CPLEX itself (That specific Mask can be accessed via "Window - Preferences - OPL - Watson Machine Learning"):
    Connection ID is needed for the Authentification Mask, this is something not mentioned in the Documentation.
    The "Connection ID"-field is added/different. Where do I get the needed "Connection ID" information? This mask seems different to the mask as in the documentation (as seen in the upper image).
    Am I missing something?

    Jan Phillip / HSU Hamburg

  • 2.  RE: "Solving OPL models on the cloud" - Connection ID/Missing Information

    Posted Mon March 04, 2024 10:37 AM

    Hi Jan,
    From what I could see, this 'Connection ID' is given not given by the Cloud Object Storage json payload, but by the WML one.
    Unfortunately I was unable to verify this yet

    Cédric Doens

  • 3.  RE: "Solving OPL models on the cloud" - Connection ID/Missing Information

    Posted Tue March 05, 2024 05:36 AM
    Edited by Cédric Doens Tue March 05, 2024 05:39 AM

    Hi Jan,

    A ConnectionId is assigned by your WML Space to each Cloud Object Storage(COS) it references.

    Configuring a COS from OPL Remote Solving preferences only requires:
    - Connection Id
    - Bucket

    Other fields can stay blank since the use of the *Key properties was deprecated by WML.
    Henceforth, any connection to a COS must go through a Space. 

    (NB the Endpoint URL and Keys are required for registering a given COS to a Space)

    May this help

    Cédric Doens