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Significance testing between columns in custom tables - weighting

  • 1.  Significance testing between columns in custom tables - weighting

    Posted Thu February 15, 2024 10:40 AM

    Hi everyone

    My apologies in advance for what will be a basic question for this community. When SPSS tests for significance differences between percentages in columns in custom tables, does it use the weighted base size, effective base size or unweighted base size? And, following on from this, do I need to conduct sig testing on unweighted tables, given that we have boosted/over-sampled some key groups and then down-weighted them back to the population profile?



    Claire Lister

  • 2.  RE: Significance testing between columns in custom tables - weighting

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu February 15, 2024 12:31 PM
    You can find exact details on statistical computations in the Algorithm manual, which can be downloaded via Help > Doc in PDF Format.

    In particular, for CTABLES...

    Column Means Tests (With Effective Base Weighting)
    This section describes the algorithm used in pairwise comparisons of scale variables over levels
    of a categorical variable or a multiple response set when effective base weighting is used.
