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Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

  • 1.  Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Mon October 03, 2022 09:22 AM
    Dear all, I'm a student using SPSS Statistics for my research project and am currently using Version 29 on Mac. I tried running some analysis (e.g. Descriptives, Reliability Analysis) today, but upon clicking "Ok" after setting up all my variables, nothing shows up in my Output. I've tried Googling for solutions, but can't find any solutions. Would be extremely grateful for any assistance and advice, thank you!

    Jen S


  • 2.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Mon October 03, 2022 10:21 AM

    I assume that you got no error messages.

    OK then, please re-try that analysis, only this time press "Paste", not "OK". Go the syntax window that contains the command. At the top of the file (on a new line), type this:


    Then select <command>+r or "Run/All".

    Please let me know what happens. Thanks.

    Rick Marcantonio
    Quality Assurance

  • 3.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Wed October 12, 2022 10:23 AM

    I am currently experiencing the same problem. I have tried the suggested solution but still, no output showing.

    Marissa Leufke Nasution

  • 4.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Wed October 12, 2022 10:28 AM
    Could you please show me the syntax you ran? Thanks.

    Rick Marcantonio
    Quality Assurance

  • 5.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Fri October 14, 2022 08:57 AM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:45 PM


    hope it's ok to add to this.

    I am experiencing the same problem, but SPSS does not even start the syntax window. Even when I press "Paste" simply nothing happens.

    The setting up of variables and adding data has worked, as has the modification of variables and the computing of variables as well... but all without any addition to the output window.

    Melanie P.

  • 6.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Mon October 17, 2022 10:19 AM
    Hi Melanie,

    1. Are you running SPSS Statistics for MacOS or for MS-Windows?
    2. What is your operating system version?
    3. What version of SPSS Statistics are you running?


    Curtis Browning
    SPSS Statistics Architect

  • 7.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Tue February 07, 2023 10:12 AM


    I have the exact same problem and the solutions provided do not seem to work. It seems it is doing something, but even a simple frequency analysis will not show up in my output, the viewer stays blank...

    What can I do?

    - A student

    Mellissa Nikkels

  • 8.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Tue February 07, 2023 10:17 AM
    Hello Mellissa,

    1. Are you running SPSS Statistics for MacOS or for MS-Windows?
    2. What is your operating system version?
    3. What version of SPSS Statistics are you running?


    Curtis Browning
    SPSS Statistics Architect

  • 9.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Thu February 16, 2023 01:06 PM
      |   view attached

    Hi, I have tried this as well (here is a screenshot of my syntax window), output still not showing. What should I do?

    I'm using SPSS 29 base on MacOS Big Sur.

    rabikah yahya

  • 10.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Thu February 16, 2023 02:12 PM

    Could you please run everything EXCEPT for the OUTPUT MODIFY command, and see if any output shows?

    Rick Marcantonio
    Quality Assurance

  • 11.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Thu February 16, 2023 07:12 PM
      |   view attached

    No output showing unfortunately. What else can I do?

    rabikah yahya

  • 12.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Fri February 17, 2023 01:22 PM

    OMS is on for some reason; I don't know why. Output is being redirected; that needs to stop. In a syntax window, issue this command:


    Then, re-run your original syntax.

    Rick Marcantonio
    Quality Assurance

  • 13.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Fri February 17, 2023 09:52 PM

    it's finally working, thank you so much for your help. cheers!

    rabikah yahya

  • 14.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Mon October 23, 2023 11:10 AM

    Thank you!  This worked for me too.

    Judd Hardina

  • 15.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Mon November 27, 2023 08:48 AM


    I have a similar problem. For my case, I've been trying to paste/Ok my graphs but what comes up is just a warning message that says GPL error. I'm currently running on windows. Please advice on what should i do? 



    Charlotte Wong

  • 16.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon November 27, 2023 09:49 AM
    Please paste the syntax from the Chart Builder or whatever you generated and post it.  There is a syntax error in it, but it's hard to tell from what is shown.


  • 17.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Fri December 08, 2023 11:37 AM

    Hi, I already did those steps but it came out as an error. How should i solve this?


  • 18.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri December 08, 2023 11:55 AM
    You are missing the period command terminator after the SET command, so SPSS sees EXAMINE as a continuation of that command.


  • 19.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Mon February 13, 2023 09:41 AM

    I am having the same problem. The output window is just not opening at all. I tried the syntax trick mentioned and it did not work.

    I'm using SPSS for MS-Windows.

    My operating system is Windows 11.

    And my version of SPSS is Grad Pack Premium v29.

    Jordan Marshall

  • 20.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Mon February 13, 2023 10:26 AM

    Hi @Jordan Marshall. May I assume that you installed Statistics into the default "C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS Statistics" directory?

    If yes, can you open a terminal window and enter the following please, including the double quotes, then press Enter:

    "C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS Statistics\stats.com"

    Try some of the actions that failed for you and then inspect the terminal window to see if there are any errors. Please paste any errors you find into your response message, thanks.


    Curtis Browning
    SPSS Statistics Architect

  • 21.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Mon February 20, 2023 09:24 AM

    Hi Curtis, I installed Statistics into the default "C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS Statistics" directory. What do you mean by "open a terminal window"? This is not the Syntax window is it? Because I tried entering "C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS Statistics\stats.com" there but nothing happened. See below. Thank you.

    Abigail Rizzo

  • 22.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Mon February 20, 2023 09:58 AM

    Forgive me for interrupting, but I notice that OMS is turned on for some reason... see the word "OMS" in the status bar? That may be the issue.

    Please turn that off by opening a syntax window, then running the command:


    Then, try getting output again. It may work now.

    Rick Marcantonio
    Quality Assurance

  • 23.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Mon February 20, 2023 10:09 AM

    @Abigail Rizzo Rick is correct above. I missed the fact that you have OMS output filtering turned on for some reason. Please follow his instructions and you should be good to go.

    Curtis Browning
    SPSS Statistics Architect

  • 24.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Mon February 20, 2023 02:05 PM
    Thank you for your help, Curtis and Rick. The problem appears to have corrected itself.

    Best regards,

  • 25.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Mon February 20, 2023 10:06 AM
    Edited by Curtis Browning Mon February 20, 2023 10:09 AM

    Hi @Abigail Rizzo . The above screen shot is of a syntax window, but I was referring to a command window in MS-Windows above.

    Let's try the easiest thing first, and work to more complex tests if the initial ones don't work:

    1. Are you able to open a new Output window from the File menu (File->New->Output)?
    2. If yes, can you enter this command in a syntax window, run that syntax, and see if it fixes the problem:


           3. If you still cannot get output by running syntax from a syntax window,  then can you get output by opening a dataset, going to the Frequencies dialog (Analyze->Descriptive Statistics->Frequencies), choosing a few settings, then running the dialog?

          4. Next thing to try if the above fails is to open a command (e.g. terminal) window in your operating system. From there you can enter the command I mentioned above to see if any useful information is output to that command window:

    "C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS Statistics\stats.com"

    If you perform step #4 above and get errors or other information in the command window (not the syntax or output windows in Statistics), please copy that information and paste it to your response here.


    Curtis Browning
    SPSS Statistics Architect

  • 26.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Mon April 17, 2023 08:54 AM

    Good morning,
    I am a student and am trying the 30-day free trial and the issue above is happening for me.
    Is there a solution please?

    Marjolijn Fitzgerald

  • 27.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Mon April 17, 2023 09:14 AM

    I see an OMSEND command, but no OMS command preceding it anywhere. I also see that OMS is on (the status bar has "OMS" - look for it at the bottom of the window).

    Put this command before anything else :


    and just run that by itself.

    The OMS should disappear from the status bar. Then try your TTEST command and you should see output in the  viewer.

    Rick Marcantonio
    Quality Assurance

  • 28.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Thu June 15, 2023 09:55 AM

    Dear all. I am experiencing a similar problem. Nothing happens when I conduct the analysis, I am simply redirected to a window where it shows me to a previously known matrix window that displays that Process Macro has been installed. The option with paste leads me to very strange hundreds of lines syntax full of if errors etc. which are not applicable to the analysis I am doing (mediation analysis with Process macro). Do you have any idea how I could resolve this problem? Thank you in advance. 

    Pavel Dostinov

  • 29.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu June 15, 2023 10:26 AM
    When you paste from that dialog (which is not from IBM), you see 5000+ lines of SPSS code that includes a lot of error messages.  It does not run the macro.  So you would need to select all that code in the Syntax Editor and use Run to execute it.

    Or just use OK in the dialog box.


  • 30.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Tue July 25, 2023 11:40 AM
    Edited by Andres Parada Tue July 25, 2023 11:40 AM

    Thank you Jon, Rick, and Curtis! I am a new SPSS user who is learning by trial and error and the sporadic youtube video. I had the same OMS error (what does this even mean? How did I even get it??) and kept hitting the enter key while in the syntax window. Nothing happened. Then I clicked the big green triangle "run" button to actually run the OMSEND. code and now everything works. Lesson learned! :)

    Caroline Bay

  • 31.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu June 15, 2023 01:06 PM
    That text is just the start of the macro execution.  You can see the set printback=off command that tells SPSS not to echo any more of the syntax.  My guess is that there is something in your specification that causes the macro to fail without any output.  I suggest running a very simple model to see if that works.  If so, you will have to figure out what in your model is causing the failure.  You might need to consult the author's website.


  • 32.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Thu November 02, 2023 06:43 AM

    Dear all,

    I keep having the same problem with OMS quite often "getting turned on" "by itself". I don't understand what makes it go on. Does anyone know why? Is there some setting I should change? Do I inadvertently turn it on? Is it a bug?

    Any help greatly appreciated!

    Thanks,  Sebastiaan

    s hess

  • 33.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu November 02, 2023 09:58 AM
    OMS is onl activated when an OMS command is run, but some extension procedures might include an OMS command.  Those commands, however, should always terminate OMS via OMSEND without your having to do anything.

    Watch the status bar to see if you can spot when the OMS status appears.  If you have syntax files you run regularly, you might scan them to see if there are any OMS commands in them.


  • 34.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Fri November 03, 2023 05:24 AM

    Thank you Jon,

    I mostly only run syntax written by myself, that doesn't contain any OMS commands (I had not heard of OMS, until I stopped getting SPSS output and searched this forum for a solution). I also don't think I use any procedures that I didn't with previous versions of SPSS (25 was the latest I used before switching to 29), when I never encountered this issue.

    Did this issue ever come up in the forum with older versions? All those with issues in this post seem to be using SPSS 29, which is why I wondered if it could be to do with a recent change, but perhaps that is to quick an assumption. 

    I'll keep an eye on it and see if I can find anything specific that triggers it.



    s hess

  • 35.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Mon November 06, 2023 10:39 AM

    Hello @s hess. We are currently investigating this, but it is difficult to reproduce and at present the working theory is that it has to do with the autorecovery thread that runs at regular intervals. One thing you can try is to turn off Auto Recovery on the General tab in SPSS Options and see if that makes the problem go away. If it does please let us know so we can confirm this is the source of the issue.


    Curtis Browning
    SPSS Statistics Architect

  • 36.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Thu November 09, 2023 04:19 AM

    Thank you Curtis,

    I can imagine such problems are hard to pin down. E.g, I worked all day with SPSS yesterday and the problem didn't reappear with autorecovery still enabled. Can I see or check that autorecovery actually runs? I did switch off the starting screen that opens with SPSS and shows recovered files. I did this using the "don't show this window again" (or similar) option. Don't know if that has anything to do with the issue not occurring so far? 

    I'll keep an eye on it, and let you know if I notice anything again.

    Thanks again for the suggestions!


    s hess

  • 37.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Fri November 10, 2023 05:45 AM

    Hello, a quick follow up. As these things go, right after I wrote the previous message, OMS was repeatedly being enabled. I had the feeling it came on each time I hibernated and restarted my laptop, but not sure about this. I now changed the autorecovery setting you suggested, and will see how it goes.



    s hess

  • 38.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Fri November 10, 2023 02:21 PM

    Hello @s hess, thanks for the update. I have added the hibernation information to the defect report. Please let us know if the work-around helps. We will hopefully have this fixed soon so it can go out in the next release.

    Curtis Browning
    SPSS Statistics Architect

  • 39.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Tue September 05, 2023 12:40 PM


    I'm struggling with a similar problem, after I choose Analyze>Descriptive statistics>Frequencies and I choose some statistics such as mean and median the output only shows me frequencies table with showing me all the needed informations in statistics table.

    It would be really helpful if you suggest any solutions that can solve this problem.


    Rayan Hami

  • 40.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Thu January 04, 2024 09:56 AM

    Hello all,

    I am a student also using SPSS version 29 on a Mac for my doctoral work. I am not receiving an output when I run reports. I've googled solutions and followed the advice on this thread to no avail. The OMS marker remains at the bottom of my SPSS window, which I believe is part of the issue. Has anyone found a resolution to this issue? Thanks so much for your help!


    Linsey Schafer

  • 41.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu January 04, 2024 10:03 AM
    if you run an OMSEND
    command from a syntax window, that should fix it, but what were you doing before the problem occurred?  Look at Utilities > OMS Control Panel to see if any OMS activity is showing.

  • 42.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Tue January 30, 2024 03:41 PM


    I am a student using SPSS modeler for a course. I have the 18.4 version and Mac, Intel chip. When I run the model I am not getting output. It is just the screen showing running and nothing happens. Here is the screenshot. Could you please help me? Most of the students who have a Mac faced this same issue in class. Is it an issue with Mac laptops?

    Roshni Harish

  • 43.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Wed January 31, 2024 08:41 AM

    Hi @Roshni Harish. This community is for IBM SPSS Statistics, not SPSS Modeler. 

    For Modeler questions post your question to this forum: IBM Support.

    This forum is more for questions about Statistics, implementation, and coding.

    Thank you.


    Curtis Browning
    SPSS Statistics Architect

  • 44.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Thu April 11, 2024 09:06 AM

    Hello, is this issue fixed in the latest version of SPSS for Windows. I have several students report this happening intermittently in the past few weeks.

    Is there any other way around it then this? Can it be prevented?

    Thank you!

    Sara Morales Izquierdo

  • 45.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Thu April 11, 2024 09:24 AM
    Edited by Curtis Browning Thu April 11, 2024 09:24 AM

    Hi Sara, what version of Statistics are your students using? Are they using trials or a paid version? We have a fix for the issue that is scheduled to be released with version 30. The work around is just to issue


    From a syntax Window, and one's output should turn on. 

    Another, slightly riskier workaround would be to turn off Auto Recovery from the General Tab of SPSS Options. That should stop the failed autorecovery jobs that are leaving OMS on, but it will also prevent users from recovering their work if some other problem occurs.


    Curtis Browning
    SPSS Statistics Architect

  • 46.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Fri April 12, 2024 04:20 AM

    That's very helpful thank you! Students are using is SPSS Statistics for Windows, the paid version. In terms of adding the syntax, is this for every time they need to produce a new output window, for every output, or for every session?

    Is the best way to run this line going to Utilities > Production facility, writing the line and pressing the gree "Run" button or is there a better way?


    Sara Morales Izquierdo

  • 47.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Fri April 12, 2024 09:03 AM

    Hi Sara. The syntax shown above only needs to be run if the bug manifests in the auto recovery code. One can tell it is happening by noting that no more output comes to your Viewer (or Workbook) output window, and in the Status Bar at the bottom of each top level window you will see the text: OMS.

    This is not about the Production Facility, it is about OMS and syntax. There are two easy ways to run the syntax I provided above:

    1. Open a new or existing syntax document and run the syntax from there, or
    2. Go to the OMS Control Panel from Utilities -> OMS Control Panel, and either choose the "End All" button, or else select the OMS job in the table there and select the "End" button, then press the OK button to dismiss the dialog.

    There is also the option of turning off auto recovery in Options. If you do that it only needs to be done once, but as noted earlier it means that if a crash occurs for some other reason users will not be able to easily recover any unsaved documents that they had open.


    Curtis Browning
    SPSS Statistics Architect

  • 48.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Fri April 12, 2024 09:05 AM

    Fantastic, thanks again!

    Best wishes,


    Sara Morales Izquierdo

  • 49.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Sun March 31, 2024 01:25 PM
      |   view attached

    Dear All, im facing an error too. i want to compute variable but the output does not come out after clicking "Ok". I follow previous comment in this discussion but still no output pop up.

    Nasyuha Afina Nazari

  • 50.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Sun March 31, 2024 01:28 PM
    Running a transformation does not necessity generate any output in the Viewer.  You should see the transformed variable in the DE and in statisticao dialog boxes.


  • 51.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted Mon April 01, 2024 09:04 AM

    Hi @Nasyuha Afina Nazari. Jon Peck is correct above. If you don't have the output log turned on, you won't see output in the viewer from a COMPUTE command:


    Curtis Browning
    SPSS Statistics Architect

  • 52.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted 11 days ago

    Hi all,

    I am also facing same issue here. Currently operating SPSS 29 on my MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1. 

    After setting up all my variables, nothing shows up in the Output.

    Please assist.


    Amirul Neezam


  • 53.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    IBM Champion
    Posted 11 days ago
    Occasionally  SPSS gets stuck with the Output Management System (OMS) capturing all the output and suppressing it from the Viewer.  Go to Utilities > Output Management System and see if there is a request shown.  If so, just end it in that panel.


  • 54.  RE: Output not showing in SPSS Statistics Viewer?

    Posted 11 days ago

    Thanks Jon, that is correct. One can also address this by running the following from a Syntax window:


    This is problem fixed in the upcoming version 30 release.


    Curtis Browning
    SPSS Statistics Architect