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Need help pushing Jenkins build to UrbanCode Velocity !!!

  • 1.  Need help pushing Jenkins build to UrbanCode Velocity !!!

    Posted Tue February 21, 2023 09:07 AM
    Edited by System Test 6 hours ago

    Hi everyone, 

    I'm facing an issue when trying to push Jenkins build to UrbanCode Velocity.

    For Jenkins server, i've installed Velocity plugin and configured connection to Velocity server. 

    Not sure if  "Not connected to RabbitMQ. Unable to run Jenkins jobs from UCV" make any impact.

    I created Jenkins pipeline with follwing script to push build to Velocity


    step([$class: 'UploadBuild', 
               tenantId: "<tenantID>",
               revision: "${GIT_COMMIT}",
               appName: "${VELOCITY_APP_NAME}",
               requestor: "admin",
               status: "success",
               name: "upload build asm",
               id: "${currentBuild.displayName}",
               appId: "<appId>"


    but Jenkins output log show message 

    Could not upload builds to Velocity as there is no configuration specified.

    How can i solve this problem?

    Thanks a lot!

    Tung Vu Thanh
