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Installation of rsync rpm package on AIX 7.1

  • 1.  Installation of rsync rpm package on AIX 7.1

    Posted Thu February 16, 2023 09:34 AM


    I want to install rsync package on my AIX server, but have error dependencies as below. Please advice on this.

    -bash-4.1# rpm -ivh rsync-3.2.7-1.aix7.1.ppc.rpm
    error: failed dependencies:
            libcrypto.a(   is needed by rsync-3.2.7-1
            liblz4.a(   is needed by rsync-3.2.7-1
            lz4 >= 1.9.2 is needed by rsync-3.2.7-1
            rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 is needed by rsync-3.2.7-1

    Fiqri Baharudin
