SPSS Statistics

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  • 1.  Help with missing data?

    Posted Mon November 20, 2023 09:52 AM

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm encountering an issue with my missing data when attempting to generate descriptive stats on coded responses from a survey questionnaire and was hoping someone might have some insight into what's going wrong here. As you'll see from my output (below), SPSS is indicating that there are '20' missing values from question 1 responses, though there are only 14 missing values in my dataset (indicated by '9999'). For some reason, SPSS is counting an additional 6 missing values (notated as 'system' in the below output) for a total of 20, but I have no idea where/how it's coming up with those additional missing 6 values. To note: I've already indicated missing values are coded discretely as '9999' in the variables view tab, and all other cells contain numerical values of 1 through 5 for coded responses. 
    Any help or insight is so appreciated! 
    Thank you,



  • 2.  RE: Help with missing data?

    Posted Tue November 21, 2023 01:39 AM

    Hello Annie,

    I assume you have checked the following source of information?   https://www.spss-tutorials.com/spss-missing-values/#spss-system-missing-values

    Would love to hear your findings and root cause when solved.


    Jos Blykers