One solution would be to convert these macros into Python code, which can handle GGRAPH. I can't say whether that would be easy or hard without seeing the code, but I could take a look if you want to consider that.
Original Message:
Sent: 2/10/2024 5:52:00 AM
From: Frank Furter
Subject: RE: GRAPH command: denominator for percentages
Hi David,
thank you for your message - I am fully aware that this can be done in GGRAPH. The trouble is that I use quite a lot of SPSS macros (and I have a nice, little library) for repetitive tasks, and the GGRAPH does not run inside a DEFINE ... !ENDDEFINE structure. This is very unfortunate ...
Frank Furter
Original Message:
Sent: Fri February 09, 2024 12:51 PM
From: David Dwyer
Subject: GRAPH command: denominator for percentages
Hi @Frank Furter,
You are correct. The GRAPH command and the associated legacy graphs (Graph -> Bar) menus do not give you that level of granularity.
By contrast, the GGRAPH command and associated Chart Builder graphs (Graphs -> Chart Builder -> Bar) do give you a choice for the percentages reported.
The GRAPH command is giving you the third type of graph in that GGRAPH dropdown - "Total for Each Legend Variable Category (same fill color)"
I suspect what you want is one of the other two. Attached is output and the GGRAPH command that created it (I took the options for the denominator in order when I created these graphs).
I hope this helps,
David Dwyer
SPSS Technical Support
IBM Software
Original Message:
Sent: Thu January 25, 2024 07:34 AM
From: Frank Furter
Subject: GRAPH command: denominator for percentages
Using the GRAPH command (not GGRAPH) for generating a stacked bar chart, how can I specify the denominator for computing percentages?
Background: I would like to create a stacked bar graph that shows the percent frequency of categories within subgroups defined by the variable on the x-axis. My subroups have different numbers of subjects. In order to compare the relative frequencies in the categories, the cumulative percentage in each stack should be 100%, i.e., the denominator should be the total nmumber of cases in each category on the x-axsis. I would like to use the GRAPH command for this because, contrary to GGRAPH, it can be conveniently integrated into SPSS define ... !enddefine macros (no, I do not want to re-program all my stuff in Python ...).
Moreover, I'm not sure which denominator GRAPH actually uses: stacks have different sizes, and the cumulatrive percentage within each stack often exceeds 100%. What is this supposed to mean?
Frank Furter