SPSS Statistics

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  • 1.  Compute Variable Choice Not There (SPSS 27)

    Posted Tue December 15, 2020 02:24 PM
    I have never used a forum such as this, so forgive my possible ignorance in how one should or should not post.
    I have used SPSS for 10-15 years now and I am having a seemingly elementary problem in that the "compute variable" choice/function within the "Transform-Compute Variable" dropdown list is no longer existent. It is simply not there. I was working with a student and her data, and I went to create a new variable (mean of several other variables) and the choice did not appear in the dropdown list. I scoured the internet seeing if other had a similar issue, and could not find anything helpful. Of note, I am using a Mac, with OSX 11.0.1 (Bug Sur), and SPSS version 27. I recently update to SPSS 27 from SPSS 26. I have restarted my computer, and tried several other basic fixes also. 
    Thanks for any help

    Christopher Modica


  • 2.  RE: Compute Variable Choice Not There (SPSS 27)

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue December 15, 2020 03:14 PM
    I don't know why the Compute dialog would disappear, but Big Sur does require the fixpack for V27.  Apple likes to break things :-(


  • 3.  RE: Compute Variable Choice Not There (SPSS 27)

    Posted Wed December 16, 2020 08:31 AM
    Hello Jon,

    Thank you so much for your quick and helpful reply. That was kind of you. I have always heard of these fixpacks, but never needed them until now. I will add the fixpack and my guess is that it will remedy the issue. 


    Christopher Modica

  • 4.  RE: Compute Variable Choice Not There (SPSS 27)

    Posted Tue May 16, 2023 03:29 PM

    Hello Jon,
    I am not sure how to post a new thread but I need help with something.


    I have worked with SPSS since 1983 and have come across a problem that I have never had before.

    When issuing this command:


    select if range(diagnosis_date,date.dmy(1,1,1990),date.dmy(31,12,2030)).

    compute completed_diagnosis=1.

    frequencies vars=completed_diagnosis.

    Then after running the frequency distribution, I get the correct count of my new variable. However, when I go back to the dataset, the new variable completed_dianosis is not present so I cannot use it in any further commands.

    Can you help?




    Valid Percent

    Cumulative Percent








    Anne M Sill


    Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Science

    NIH National Institute on Aging

    251 Bayview Blvd.

    Baltimore, MD

    Anne Sill

  • 5.  RE: Compute Variable Choice Not There (SPSS 27)

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue May 16, 2023 03:40 PM
    Changes to the data made in the scope of TEMPORARY, expire after the next data pass, so the variable created in that COMPUTE will disappear.  If you want to retain it, compute it before the TEMPORARY using the condition in the formula.--

  • 6.  RE: Compute Variable Choice Not There (SPSS 27)

    Posted Wed December 16, 2020 04:32 PM
    I wonder if your preferences got corrupted somehow.  You might want to try to remove them (after making a backup copy) and see if it helps.
    From the Finder navigate to ~/Library/Preferences, and rename the com.ibm.spss.plist file to com.ibm.spss.plist.orig or something like that.
    You will lose your most recently used files among other things, but this should force the menu list to re-generate.

    LOUIS Kittock

  • 7.  RE: Compute Variable Choice Not There (SPSS 27)

    Posted Mon December 21, 2020 10:13 AM

    Hello Louis,

    Thank you so much for your reply. I think your suggestion may help. The Fixpack didn't seem to fix the issue (though I needed it anyways). So, this may help. Luckily, I can still create varaibles using the syntax.


    Christopher Modica

  • 8.  RE: Compute Variable Choice Not There (SPSS 27)

    Posted Fri January 08, 2021 03:02 PM
    I believe Louis is on the right track here.  I would add that macOS has a process constantly running that will re-populate your seemingly corrupt preferences file.  That process needs to be stopped, in addition to the preferences (*.plist) file being deleted.  There is a Youtube video that demonstrates this process:

    David Dwyer