AI and DS Skills

  • 1.  New in the Data & AI Group, keen to learn more about ML using Watson Studio

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon March 07, 2022 10:27 AM
    Hello Everyone!

    I'm a new member of the group, and I'm keen to learn more about ML applications using Watson Studio. In particular, I am interested in developing an academic research project using the vast resources readily developed in the IBM Cloud.

    I am particularly interested in learning more about the privacy rules that apply to the data uploaded to the cloud. In this regard, do you know what are the privacy policies regarding data used in Watson studio? Is it private or is it of public access to all users? Comments welcome! 

    Best wishes,
    Graciana Puentes

    Graciana Puentes


  • 2.  RE: New in the Data & AI Group, keen to learn more about ML using Watson Studio

    Posted Wed March 09, 2022 08:42 AM

    Hello Graciana:


    I think these documents will point you toward many of your answers.



    Paul Brunk, system administrator

    Advanced Computing Resource Center

    University of Georgia


  • 3.  RE: New in the Data & AI Group, keen to learn more about ML using Watson Studio

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu March 10, 2022 02:13 AM

    Hello Paul,

    thank you very much for the suggestion, this is indeed very helpful!

    Thank you!
    Graciana Puentes

    Graciana Puentes
    Independent Senior Researcher at NRC
    University of Buenos Aires, Argentina