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Test management

By Emiley Edward posted Wed November 01, 2023 11:22 PM


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) testing verifies efficiency, stability, security, user-friendliness, and security. Test management ensures that ERP testing identifies defects in an ERP system during production and verifies proper functioning and configuration. 

What is ERP testing?

High-quality end-to-end business processes provide organizational structure with consistent results to scale up business operations, giving enterprises a competitive advantage. ERP systems integrate several business processes, such as manufacturing, supply chains, sales, human resources, budgeting, and customer service activities. As such, changes to ERP systems have substantial effects on organizational structure and ways of working. Quality Assurance (QA) processes ensure that changes to or implementation of ERP systems are done correctly and are operational before they go live. This quality assurance process is referred to as ERP testing.

The ERP testing process

ERP testing has different phases:

Test preparation: identifying business processes, defining the scope of testing, preparing data scenarios for manual and automated execution, and ensuring that stakeholders and testers are scheduled and available.

Test execution: running the tests and ensuring that the defects are logged and the status is reported. All reports and forms should be generated and displayed correctly.

Test evaluation: analyzing identified defects and implementing code corrections, as well as assessing and documenting the test plan and scenario for future use.

Customizations and custom configurations in ERP are expected sources of bugs discovered during ERP testing.

Technological innovation is advancing at soaring rates, and enterprises continue to adopt new technologies to increase efficiency, productivity, and returns. As such, finding the right level of test coverage can be challenging, but it is also necessary.

What is ERP test management?

ERP testing is a complex activity that should be executed thoroughly, requiring skills, resources, and experience that are normally not needed for daily operations in order to ensure that high-quality standards are maintained without any errors in crucial business processes. When done right, ERP test management guarantees perfection in business processes, regardless of the complexity of the business landscape.

In order to achieve their professional goals, effective ERP test managers should have the following best practices:

Standardize and simplify: moving to a unified SaaS-based platform with enterprise-level features makes the implementation of testing protocols and technologies faster, easier, and less manually demanding.

Collaborate business and IT: implement a common platform that mirrors business processes and facilitates real-time collaboration during all phases. This keeps processes moving seamlessly with optimal visibility.

Large-scale testing with a cloud-based solution: a cloud-native test management platform provides maximum flexibility for coordination, makes global testing orchestration easier, and allows for systematic, fast, and responsive interactions for large-scale systems, concurrent testing projects, geographic dispersion, multiple stakeholders, and different lines of business.

Real-time intelligence: get real-time and instant access to information from all points along the testing process in order to understand key performance indicators and gain actionable insights.

Anticipate problems: automatic and system-wide visibility for early detection of defect duplicates, potential bottlenecks, and testing cycle redundancies. Leverage results from past projects for continuous improvement, optimization, and efficiency.

Automate appropriately: not everything should be automated in ERP test management. Use a combination of manual and automated tests with the right tools, with a focus on quality.

Panaya Test Dymanix transformed the way that enterprises manage their software testing processes. It allows teams to improve efficiency, reduce test cycles, and accelerate digital transformation with zero risk.

