It is a bittersweet moment… This is officially our last Champions in Action blog of 2024. So, we’d like to take a moment to thank our advocates for everything they’ve done throughout this past year. We’ve seen podcasts launch and thrive; Champions tune into their inner-technical writer skill;...
Happy Thanksgiving to our American pals and happy 2 nd last day of nominations for the rest of us! What a month it has been with completing renewals and applications, nominating peers and colleagues to bring them into the family that is the IBM Champions program. If you like an adrenaline...
The news is out: IBM Champion nominations have been extended to November 29 th ! This is great for three main reasons: Current Champions, you have some extra time to complete your renewal form. Please let us know if you have NOT received it (after checking your junk mail). ...
Admittedly… There were two ways that this edition of Champions in Action could have gone. A compilation of the Halloween memes that our Champions have created this spooky season or a roundup of all the amazing activities that our Champions in Vegas participated in. (I went with the latter). But...
It’s a busy time in the IBM Champions world! Some of us are packing our suitcases to leave for the TechXchange conference and some of us are catching up on reporting activities for Champion renewals… Maybe even both! If you’re attending the IBM TechXchange conference, make sure you check...
The conference is just shy of 2 ½ weeks away, ahhhh! And @Kathryn DuPont started a very topical discussion thread on “ What are you most looking forward to at the IBM TechXchange Conference Las Vegas?” For me, it’s easily finally meeting you in person! In the Advocacy and Champions...
It has been a little busy! :) The energy is building as we are now four (4) short weeks away from the IBM TechXchange Conference, Las Vegas . Have you registered? You don’t want to miss it! What you need to know about IBM Champion Nominations Even more thrilling is now nomination...
Yes, I count in ‘sleeps’ -- just like a countdown to my favourite holiday. There are 46 sleeps until the #IBMTechXchange Conference in Vegas – Oct 21-24. Have you registered? I really hope you do! Do you need a few reasons to go? Here are five: Best learning and certification...
With September just around the corner, I'm sure many of you are thinking about the busy conference season ahead! We are getting pumped up for #IBMTechXchange Conference in Vegas - October 21-24 . And the best part? We get to hang out with our most valued advocates, the IBM Champions and IBM...
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Hi everyone, 74 more sleeps until the #IBMTechXchange conference 2024 in Las Vegas! Are you excited? I am! Most of all, I’m looking forward to seeing and meeting IBM Champions and IBM Rising Champions! It is such a great honour to work with this amazing group of technology...