Ashoy Iyengar describes how there are many overlapping business usage scenarios involving both the disciplines of the Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing . But there is one very practical and promising use case that has been commonly deployed without many people thinking about it:...
- Pam Andrejko, Sundari Voruganti IBM Cloud Satellite enables businesses to run OpenShift as a managed service on their own infrastructure on-premises , or in other cloud providers such as AWS or Azure. Adding the Cloud Paks to a Satellite location allows businesses to bring...
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In the last couple of years, we have seen more and more enterprises adopt GitOps, a DevOps paradigm that uses Git as a repository. Read more here #IBM #edge-computing
Watch Rob High, VP of IBM Edge Application Manager, as he speaks about the strong partnership and innovations that are happening between IBM and Samsung. #edge-computing #networkmanager #networking #mobile #Devices
高良 真穂 Maho Takara 日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社 テクノロジー事業本部 ハイブリッドクラウド CTO 日本IBMへ入社以来、自動車、航空、金融、大学および研究機関などのプロジェクトに参画。基幹系システムから科学計算システムまで、幅広いシステムを手掛ける。現在、IBMクラウド戦略の一環であるKubernetesをコアとしたIBMクラウド・サービスやソフトウェア製品を担当。『15Stepで習得Dockerから入るKubernetes コンテナ開発からK8s本番運用まで(StepUp!選書) 』の著者 IBM®は Red Hat®...
Check out this new video from my friend and IBM Developer Advocate Dan Kehn as he explains multi-access edge computing. --Krista In this lightboard video, Dan Kehn with IBM Cloud, explains how multi-access edge computing is taking edge computing further to the outermost edge by placing...
In part 1, we looked at the operationalizing artificial intelligence trend. Now, lets look at the trend around cloud security. Trend 2: Evolving the foundation of cloud security As an innovation officer at Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), Andrew Trossman needs to make public cloud services...
Recently I sat down with Krista Summitt, IBM Public Cloud Community leader, to answer 8 questions about the Mayflower Autonomous Ship project. Below is the transcript of our interview: KS: For those who don't know, what is the Mayflower Autonomous Ship project? With no human captain or...
Today, IBM is announcing IBM Cloud for Telecommunications the first high-trust, unified architecture addressing the fundamental transformation challenges that face telcos. Telecommunication operators are under pressure to simultaneously deliver enhanced digital experiences, while modernizing...