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Performance problem: Definition There are many reasons on what constitutes a performance problem. Most of those revolve around slow response times or high resource usage. Here are some examples of situations in which performance problems become evident: A bottleneck is suspected in one...
Tuning Cloud-Native Java Applications for Performance: Scaling Up Versus Scaling Out Introduction All application server environments have one thing in common: limited resources. How best to use those resources will determine the efficiency in processing user requests. There are two...
On Wednesday, April 13th, 2022 at 11:00 AM ET, we presented "Tune Java Garbage Collection to improve performance" on IBM Expert TV. Replay: https://ibm.biz/BdPBhT Presentation: https://ibm.biz/BdPdEJ Speakers: Kevin Grigorenko, Gary DeVal In the presentation, we discussed key...
Number of Liberty JVMs affect throughput and memory footprint Introduction There are many factors that can cause performance issues in an application server environment. Changes to application code, an increase in the client load, and other environmental factors can put a strain on...
Java Garbage Collection (GC) fundamentals As discussed in my prior post about how important GC is to Java performance, typical running Java programs create and release Java objects more-or-less continuously. The automated memory management system for dealing with these object...