Are you planning to implement IBM Cloud Pak for Data and interested in online backup and trying to restore data to the alternate cluster?
IBM Cloud Pak for Data can be protected with IBM Spectrum® Fusion. This Redpaper covers backing up IBM Cloud® Pak for Data with a non-disruptive (online) backup and then restoring to an alternate cluster. During an online backup, normal runtime operations in the Cloud Pak for Data cluster continue while the backup completes. The backup process includes creating policies and automating backups in IBM Spectrum Fusion™, then protecting Cloud Pak for Data, protecting IBM Spectrum Fusion namespace and the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus (SPP) catalog. Backup and restore is supported from IBM Storage Fusion HCI to IBM Fusion software as well as from IBM Fusion Software to IBM Storage Fusion HCI.
Consistent Backup Environment for both containers and VMs by leveraging IBM Storage Fusion
•Application hooks for application-consistent backups
•Application consistency groups for crash-consistent backups
•Offload of backups to object storage
•Offload of backups to Spectrum Protect server
•Restore to a previous point-in-time copy

Cloud Pak for Data requires data protection in right sequence, and restore needs to be prescriptive. IBM Storage fusion simplify entire backup and restore process by leveraging Recipes.

If you have requirements to restore IBM Cloud Pak for Data to alternate cluster for Dev/Test, you can do those ask easiely with IBM Storage Fusion.
Sanjay Patel
IBM, Americas SWAT Leader